Lakeland resident calls for ‘Mayor Alderman’ type of charter

Letter to the editorIn the Jan. 11, 2016, Commercial Appeal was an article titled “In the Loop” by Clay Bailey.

Let’s be fair and reasonable and allow Lakeland voters to choose.

I have a fair and reasonable solution for the Mayor and Commissioners to consider.

If the Mayor and Commissioners want to have elections in November instead of September that will extend all their terms by 14 months on the Board of Commissioners (BOC), then the Mayor and Board of Commissioners should amend its resolution that is presently before the BOC and allow Lakeland voting citizens the right to also choose to vote for or against changing the Lakeland City Charter to a Mayor Alderman form of government charter.

A vote for changing the Lakeland charter to a Mayor Alderman form of government will also allow elections in November if approved by the voters without extending terms of all the present BOC.

Should Lakeland voters choose to adopt the Mayor Alderman Charter then the people can elect a Mayor and Aldermen within 60 days after voters approve passage.

The present lakeland Mayor and Commissioners can then run to be elected under the new Mayor Alderman Charter, and, if elected, their terms can be extended by the people for four years and all future Lakeland elections can be held in November.

Let’s focus on Lakeland’s guture and allow Lakeland voters the opportunity to change the present city charter to a Mayor Alderman Charter and do away with the present City Manager Charter.

A Mayor Alderman Charter will hold all our elected officials accountable to the people. The present City Manager Charter holds the manager accountable only to the BOC.

This can be done now by the Mayor and Commissioners by amending and passing the present resolution before the BOC to allow the voters to decide.

God Bless Lakeland, Tennessee.

Jim Bomprezzi Sr.