Aug. 1
U.S. 64 (embezzlement): A former employee is suspected of stealing $1,210 from the safe at Dunkin’ Donuts (8984 U.S. 64), the store’s district manager reported on Aug. 1. The employee was being fired around 9:30 a.m. on July 30 and he left despite being advised not to leave the office until the safe’s money had been verified. The district manager said she called the suspect to ask about the missing funds, and he said he took it home to get change while he was running errands and then was on his way to Nashville. She said he recanted quickly and said he was on his way back to the store with the money, but he never showed up. His location is currently unknown.
- Huff N Puff Road (intimidation): The concierge at Motel 6 (9822 Huff N Puff Road) reported a series of about 27 intimidating and harassing phone calls between around 12:25 p.m. and 1 p.m. on Aug. 1. The male caller refused to give his name or identifying information and asked for phone numbers of the manager, motel owner and motel attorney. When she offered to have the manager call him back, the angry caller threatened, berated and swore at the concierge, taunting her about calling law enforcement. After multiple such calls, she told him to stop calling and that she had contacted the police. He hung up and then called back to ask if they had arrived yet. Then he said he was coming to shoot her in the head right then and the police couldn’t stop him. The responding officers asked if there had been any recent incidents with employees or guests, and she said one guest got furious about a problem with his room’s Internet connection on July 29, yelling and swearing at her until she refunded his money. She told officers the caller and the guest sounded alike and used the same abusive language, and she gave officers the guest’s name and Georgia driver’s license number. While officers were on the scene, the subject called and spoke with officers. . Officers reported that the caller sounded like an older white male with a Southern accent, and there was no background noise. Officers asked his name and what issue had made him so angry, but he taunted the police. The concierge played two recordings of his previous calls, including his comments that he was going to park at the McDonald’s across the street and watch the motel. Officers listed the former motel guest as a possible suspect. The concierge was shaking and crying and said she feared for her life. She also said she wants to pursue charges against the responsible person. Officers cautioned her to use all of the motel’s security precautions and not to hesitate to contact law enforcement for help.
Aug. 5
- Huff N Puff Road (simple assault/domestic violence): The Motel 6 night manager (9822 Huff N Puff Road) reported seeing a fight around 2 a.m. Aug. 5. She saw an unknown black man in a white tank top and dark pants talking to a black female who had parked a Hyundai Accent by the front office. The couple appeared to argue, and the night manager saw him hit her in the face several times through the open car window. The responding officers found the visibly shaken victim in the car nearby and observed that she had small scratches on her neck and slight swelling on the left side of her face. She told that she had been talking to her boyfriend of the past three years but repeatedly emphasized that nothing happened. She gave officers their room number at Motel 6, but officers could not find the suspect in the room or the immediate area. The victim refused medical treatment and didn’t allow her injuries to be photographed.
Aug. 6
- Bramble Bush Lane (intimidation): A woman who lives on the 3000 block of Bramble Bush Lane reported intimidation from three black men who delivered mattresses from Value City. She said they arrived at 3:28 p.m. on Aug. 6, and she showed Suspect No. 1 to the bedroom. Then he leaned against her jewelry box and repeatedly asked, “What are you going to do for me?” She told him she didn’t have any money and asked what he wanted. He responded, “You are going to do something for me, or we aren’t bringing it in.” She knew he was asking for a sexual favor she had no intention of offering him in return for the delivery of her mattress, so she said she finally agreed to have her mother write him a check for $30 because she was afraid of what the men might do if she did not. The check was made out to Suspect No. 2. The victim said Suspects No. 2 and No. 3 never spoke to her directly, but they knew what the first man was saying to her. The victim also said Suspect No. 1 kept asking questions and said, “You are sexy. Do you have a boyfriend or husband? Will you go out with me? And can I have your number?” The Value City store manager referred the responding officer to Rapid Response, a third-party delivery contractor. The Rapid Response manager provided all three men’s names and Social Security numbers to the officer. As of 6 p.m. that evening, no one had cashed the check.
Aug. 8
- Bluebird Hill Cove (credit card/ATM fraud): A resident on the 9200 block of Bluebird Hill Cove reported at 6 p.m. Aug. 8 that someone was using his Visa debit card and checking account information without his permission. He noticed the first withdrawal for $1.47 on Aug. 7 at Nursery Inc. in Las Vegas. The next four unauthorized transactions were all from the Las Vegas area and totaled $1,560. The victim said he didn’t know how someone obtained the information, and he cancelled the debit card and closed his bank account.
Aug. 9
- Point Drive/Beverle Rivera Drive (felony vandalism): A resident in charge of the call box for The Pointe, a gated neighborhood, reported on Aug. 9 that someone damaged the call box (a Door King access control), which is the mechanism that residents use to enter their four-digit access codes. She noticed the damage around 2:30 p.m. and reviewed the gate’s security footage. Between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m., the security video showed a white man get out of a silver Jeep, throw what appeared to be a rock at the call box, and drive off southbound on Point Drive. She was unable to identify the man. The call box is the neighborhood’s only access point and is located at Point Drive and Beverle Rivera Drive.
Aug. 12
- Silver Fox Cove (theft of vehicle parts/accessories): A man on the 9600 block of Siler Fox Cove reported on Aug. 12 that someone stole his Ford F250’s tailgate ($1,500) while the truck was parked in his driveway. The theft occurred between 10 p.m. Aug. 11 and 7:30 a.m. Aug. 12. A crime scene technician took several photos and lifted prints.
Aug. 14
- Triumph Circle (theft from building): A resident on the 9300 block of Triumph Circle reported the theft of his silver dollar collection from a safety box at his apartment sometime between May and Aug. 14. The box was hidden from view and locked, but the key was kept in an adjacent cardboard box. A camera next to the lock box was not taken. The victim said the only people who had been in his residence during that period were himself, his 12-year-old son, a neighbor who had never been alone in the apartment, and pest control personnel hired by the apartment management.
Aug. 17
- Herons Ridge (felony vandalism): A resident on Herons Ridge reported on Aug. 17 that someone broke the driver’s side window ($600) of his Mitsubishi Eclipse between 1:30 a.m. and 8 a.m. that morning. The car was parked on the street in front of the home, but no property appeared to be missing from it. The victim said he couldn’t think of any possible suspects.
- Silver Fox Cove (theft of vehicle parts/accessories): A resident on the 9600 block of Silver Fox Cove reported on Aug. 17 that his Nissan Altima’s license plate was stolen sometime since Aug. 16. He wasn’t sure of the time or location of the theft because the vehicle had been driven several times during that period. The responding officer reported the tag as stolen.
Aug. 19
- Laurel Hill Drive (non-residential burglary): A victim on the 9400 block of Laurel Hill Drive reported on Aug. 19 that several tools totaling $2,195 were stolen from his garage between Aug. 16 and 2:30 p.m. Aug. 19. He assumed the suspect gained entrance when the garage was left open overnight on Aug. 16. Items missing included a Ryobi drill with lithium battery ($125), battery charger with multi-port ($75), two Ryobi 18-volt batteries ($100), Skill jig saw ($30), socket set ($75), plunge Router combo ($250), fan ($45), Dyson vacuum cleaner ($500), backpack blower ($300), weed trimmer ($275), power washer ($350), and a five-gallon gas can ($20). The victim was not able to provide any serial numbers for the property that was taken.
Aug. 20
- Canada Road (theft from motor vehicle): A pharmacist at Walgreens (2960 Canada Road) said someone broke her car’s rear passenger window and stole her purse between 7:45 a.m. and 4:10 p.m. Aug. 20. The blue Coach purse ($250) was on the rear passenger floorboard and contained an Ussa checkbook. She said she didn’t have the account number available for the officer’s report but her husband had called the bank to cancel the checks. Walgreens had no exterior cameras that would have captured the theft.
Aug. 22
- Championship Drive (theft from building): A man reported at 6:57 a.m. Aug. 22 that someone had stolen a black 9mm Glock 19Gen4 firearm from his sock drawer and replaced it with a black Powerline .177-caliber BB gun. He said a white female he met online came to his home around noon Aug. 21 and left around 3 p.m., and she was alone in the bedroom to fix herself something to eat for about 10 minutes. The dispatcher entered the pistol’s serial number into the database of the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), and the BB gun was tagged into the Memphis Police Department’s property room as evidence.
- Herons Pond Cove (simple assault/domestic violence): A woman escaped her violent husband by pulling a fire alarm on the 10200 block of Herons Pond Cove on Aug. 22. The incident started upstairs in the home, where he has been dealing with drug issues (cocaine/heroin) and staying in a separate bedroom for several years. The wife said she entered his room to talk about their daughter and noticed he had been using drugs again. . She lost her composure and cried, and she said he yelled and pushed her. She opened the bedroom window to scream because she thought that would get him to leave. Instead, he hit her in the head. With him chasing her, she escaped downstairs and pressed the fire alarm. She said he caught her at the alarm system, grabbed her by the throat with one hand and punched her in the upper lip with the other. The Shelby County Fire Department responded, and the husband was gone by the time the sheriff’s office responded. The woman’s daughter picked her up and removed her from the home for the weekend.
Aug. 23
- Kaki Lane (simple assault/domestic violence): A man on the 9400 block of Kaki Lane reported that he and his wife were arguing around 9 p.m. Aug. 23 when she grabbed a folder and threw it across the room at him. It struck him in the lip, and his wife left the residence before deputies arrived. The victim said he recorded the incident on his cell phone. He refused medical attention, and the responding officer did not observe any physical marks on the victim.
Aug. 24
- Piper Bay Lane (residential burglary): Someone broke into a home on the 3800 block of Piper Bay Lane on Aug. 24, ransacking the residence so extensively it was hard for the victims to identify all that was stolen. The burglary occurred between 1:15 p.m. and 2:40 p.m. that day, and the suspect broke glass on the back door to enter. Items noted as missing so far include cash, financial statements, two alien registration cards (green cards), two birth certificates, a Dell computer, a Blackberry cell phone, a Sony camera, watches, fragrances and perfumes, and more than 200 pieces of 22-carat gold jewelry. Two of the gold rings had nine diamonds and were engraved with “VSSRIJA,” and one long chain had the god Lakshmi engraved into it. The male victim said his family travels to India on vacation and purchased most of the items there.
- Pointe Drive (felony vandalism): A man reported around 6:20 p.m. Aug. 24 that his roommate had vandalized the door to his house. A female witness upstairs heard a loud noise at the front door, looked down and saw the roommate lying on the floor, where he had forced his way into the house because of misplacing his key. The witness said the man also was trying to sneak his girlfriend into the house. The roommate told the witness he would pay for repairs, but he didn’t respond when the victim tried to call him. When the victim returned home, the roommate had already taken all of his personal belongings and kept the passkey that is required for entry into the subdivision. The responding officer observed broken wood around the base of the door. The victim said the damage was about $2,000 but he had not gotten a formal estimate yet.
Aug. 27
- Knob Hill Road (residential burglary): A woman on the 3100 block of Knob Hill Road reported on Aug. 27 that her ex-boyfriend had stolen items from her home. She said police responded to one of their arguments at 1 p.m. Aug. 9, and they both left the residence afterward. She returned at 2 p.m. to find him inside, removing her property. He didn’t live with her and did not have permission to be in her residence without her, she said. She later learned he had used an extra key stolen from her jewelry box. She said she asked him to stop taking her property, but he refused and left before police returned. She declined to file a report at the time because she didn’t know what had been stolen. On Aug. 27, she reported that he took some of her clothing, personal female massagers, an iPod and Sony speakers. The victim could not provide serial items for the stolen items. She spoke with her ex-boyfriend again at 8 a.m. on Aug. 27, when he acknowledged via email that he had her property. He said he would return the items, but he did not.
- Barley Mills Road (felony vandalism): A man on the 3000 block of Barley Mills Road reported on Aug. 27 that someone had vandalized his red GMC Sierra that night. He parked it in front of his residence around 7:30 p.m., and a neighbor alerted him to the vandalism at 10:15 p.m. The neighbor heard a loud noise and came outside, spotting a light car leaving the scene. She was unable to get any suspect or tag information. The vandal struck the vehicle’s windshield three times and the passenger side window twice, and the rear window was shattered. The responding deputy observed what appeared to be smeared blood on the driver’s side window. The victim said he had no suspect information or any idea why someone would vandalism his vehicle.
Aug. 30
- Barley Mills Circle (simple assault/domestic violence): A woman on the 3000 block of Barley Mills Circle reported that her ex-boyfriend attacked her in the home they shared with their two young sons between 3:10 a.m. and about 3:30 a.m. on Aug. 30. A loud banging at her front door woke her up, and she found him inside. He had been drinking.She had broken up with him the previous Saturday and had blocked the front door that night, so she told officers he must have entered through the rear sliding patio door. When she tried to call the Sheriff’s Office, he took away her cell phone and choked her when she tried to grab it back, she said. She escaped and tried to run upstairs, but he grabbed her leg. When she got away again and woke up her children, he returned her phone. She called 911, and he fled before officers arrived. The victim did not need medical attention.