Repairs amounting to an estimated $50,000 will continue at least through Feb. 1 at Lakeland City Hall in the aftermath of a water heater explosion that occurred over the Jan. 10-12 weekend.
Every baseboard within range of the water will have to be replaced as well as most of the carpeted areas. Lakeland City Manager Chris Thomas expressed that he was grateful for the hard work of City employees through the crisis.
He also said, “We want to thank our neighboring government agencies, including the cities of Bartlett and Germantown and the Shelby County government for allowing use of their fans to minimize damage costs.”
Some employees had to be relocated to the one wing of City Hall that was only partially affected.
Lakeland City Hall is functioning but it will be after Feb. 1 before things are back to normal. The flooding should not affect any city services.
“City Hall is still operating and we’re gonna take care of business,” Thomas said. “But it’s definitely going to sidetrack us for just a little bit.”