Horoscopes for Oct. 6-12, 2019

Image by Mabel Amber via Flickr.com; some rights reserved.

Special to the Express

ARIES (March 21–April 20): Take advantage of an opportunity that you have been considering, Aries. If you know what you want, go out and make it happen. Do what it takes to impress others.

TAURUS (April 21–May 21): Taurus, you are always ready to defend your own turf and quick to offer your opinions, even if it means being blunt. You may have to play it a little cool this week.

GEMINI (May 22–June 21): Gemini, hiding your feelings for some time is a recipe for unhealthy pressure. Don’t be afraid to speak your mind when your input is sought.

CANCER (June 22–July 22): Cancer, it is a good idea to give people the benefit of the doubt, but don’t overlook your gut instincts. It is always a good idea to be cautious when meeting new people.

LEO (July 23–Aug. 23): You may have to make a tough choice this week, Leo. It involves choosing to engage in some recreational activities or head to work to put in extra credit. Trust your judgment.

VIRGO (Aug. 24–Sept. 22): Virgo, you don’t have to have superhero levels of energy each and every day. If you are not feeling fully up to the tasks at hand this week, give yourself a well-earned breather.

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 23): You are typically deft at keeping your emotions on a short leash, Libra. But every once in a while you can’t fully rein things in. Others will understand an outburst is out of character.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24–Nov 22): There is a fine line between being a devoted employee and a workaholic, Scorpio. Scale back some of your hours, especially if work is affecting your home life.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23–Dec. 21): You may have been spreading your wings to see just how many new things you can accomplish, Sagittarius. This week one of your goals really gets traction.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 20): Capricorn, you may be feeling footloose and flirty over the next couple of days. This is the perfect time to spend with a significant other or find a romantic interest if you are single.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21–Feb. 18): Aquarius, you may be asked to be a peace-keeping referee when two people on the job need a mediator. Your thoughtful approach makes you an ideal person to handle the task.

PISCES (Feb. 19–March 20): Volatile feelings can be calmed with the help of some good companionship this week, Pisces. Channel your energy into something fun.

Famous birthdays

  • Oct. 6: Elisabeth Shue, actress (56)
  • Oct. 7: John Mellencamp, singer (68)
  • Oct. 8: Nick Cannon, actor (39)
  • Oct. 9: Bella Hadid, model (23)
  • Oct. 10: Brett Favre, athlete (50)
  • Oct. 11: Cardi B, rapper (27)
  • Oct. 12: Hugh Jackman, actor (51)