
See your horoscope for the week of June 24-30, 2018.

ARIES (March 21–April 20): Opportunity is knocking, Aries. You must tune in and listen to it this week. Stay passionate in your endeavors, but exercise a little caution as well.

TAURUS (April 21–May 21): Taurus, honesty may be the best policy, but you may have to temper how much information you reveal at one time. Be a little stingy around sensitive people.

GEMINI (May 22–June 21): Gemini, this week may be off to a bumpy start, but you are perfectly capable of turning things around in a hurry. Just don’t race too far ahead without a plan.

CANCER (June 22–July 22): Cancer, you are heading in the right direction, but you may have to fine-tune the destination this week. Your intended romantic target may not be the perfect fit.

LEO (July 23–Aug. 23): Planning and project management seemingly takes over your life, Leo. Just when you think there is no time for fun, an exciting opportunity falls in your lap.

VIRGO (Aug. 24–Sept. 22): Virgo, your creative muse has come calling and you can’t resist her siren’s song. Dabble in any artistic or craftsy project you can get your hands on in the next few days.

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 23): People often see you as even-keeled, Libra. But tempers may flare this week if you don’t get your way. Others should watch when you’re fired up.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24–Nov. 22): Scorpio, cater your plan and speech to the audience receiving it. You can gain more support if your message is well-received. Figure out new ways to communicate.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23–Dec. 21): You do not have an argumentative nature, Sagittarius. So when you’re bothered, it is probably for a good reason. Don’t come out ready for a fight; instead, focus on mediating.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 20): Capricorn, your energy is all over the map, so it may be best to schedule any major meetings or presentations for another time when you are more up to the task.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21–Feb. 18): Aquarius, it may seem like you’re feeling extreme highs or lows. Soon things will settle down. Enjoy some well-deserved escapism for the time being.

PISCES (Feb. 19–March 20): This week you will have the ideal blend of patience and passion, which has people lining up to be on your team, Pisces.


  • June 24: Lionel Messi, athlete (31)
  • June 25: Angela Kinsey, actress (46)
  • June 26: Derek Jeter, athlete (44)
  • June 27: J.J. Abrams, director (52)
  • June 28: Elon Musk, entrepreneur (47)
  • June 29: Camila Mendes, actress (24)
  • June 30: Cole Swindell, singer (35)