Honoring Bartlett’s educators

Teachers' Day
In honor of teachers, Bartlett Mayor A. Keith McDonald presented proclamations to Bartlett schools on May 3 at city hall, proclaiming the day as “National Teacher Day” in Bartlett. Attendees at the recognition program included Principal Marva Johnson and Robbin Pennington, Teacher of the Year and third-grade teacher, both of Altruria Elementary; Assistant Principal Thomas Lukas, seventh-grade teacher Anne Faulks and eighth-grade social studies teacher Timothy Buckley, all of Appling Middle; Principal Page Watson and P.E. Teacher of the Year Cindy Fowler, both of Bartlett Elementary; Principal Tim Jones and honors chemistry teacher Laura Houston, both of Bartlett High; Principal John McDonald and Jessica Price, Teacher of the Year and a biology teacher, both of Bartlett 9th Grade Academy; Vice Principal Tom McClellan of Bon Lin Elementary; Principal Cody Duncan and Kandice Lee, Teacher of the Year and a Spanish teacher, both of Bon Lin Middle; Principal Dr. BessAnne McKnight and kindergarten teacher Laura Starnes, both of Ellendale Elementary; Principal DeLockery, music teacher Emily Nelson and librarian Tammy Phillips, all of Oak Elementary; Principal Portia Tate and Tammie Black, Teacher of the Year and a third-grade teacher, both of Rivercrest Elementary; Superintendent Dr. David Stephens, Teaching and Learning Director Lee-Ann Kight, Director of Student Services Korrie White, Counseling Specialist Zoe Bozeman and Instructional Technology Coordinator Joey Mitchell, all of the Bartlett City Schools district; Chairman Jeff Norris and board member Shirley Jackson, Position 3, both of the Bartlett City Schools Board of Education; and Mayor McDonald and Vice Mayor Jack Young, both representing the City of Bartlett.