Herbi-Systems Inc. launches community giveback with Bartlett schools

From left, Bartlett businessman Kenny Crenshaw and Bartlett school superintendent David Stephens are all smiles in front of one of the school district’s ball fields that Crenshaw’s company is tending for free.

Bartlett-based Herbi-Systems Inc., has embraced the giveback as a core part of its corporate culture.

The company’s donation of spraying and fertilizing services for Bartlett City Schools’ athletic fields is part of that same spirit.

In an effort to give back to the Bartlett community, president and owner Kenny Crenshaw said he wanted to show his support for the new school district and to get their athletic fields off to a good start.

In the spring of 2015, his company began treating the fields. This gratis effort includes the softball, soccer, baseball and football fields at the high school and also at or near W.J. Freeman Park, according to Herbi-Systems’ industrial vegetation territory manager Jason Pope. That translates into roughly 11 acres of coverage.

Crenshaw said, “It is important for a business to do more than provide a service. That business needs to be invested as a community partner. We want to add value to the community as a whole where the children of our employees and customers attend school and participate in extracurricular activities.”

BCS superintendent David Stephens expressed gratitude on behalf of the school system.

“We are very thankful to Herbi-Systems for providing at no charge exceptional care to all of our athletic fields,” he said. “What a tremendous partner they are to Bartlett City Schools, and we appreciate their contribution to our student athletes.”

Continual volunteerism

For more than a decade, Crenshaw has participated as a volunteer leader in the Arlington National Cemetery Renewal and Remembrance project in D.C. And he spent seven years as a volunteer leader for the Memphis Area Action Council of the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) where he lobbied for small businesses in Tennessee. This year, he has turned that energy and dedication toward community service in his own backyard.

His company’s business operations are also closely tied to his community. Overall, Herbi-Systems has handled municipal weed control and fertilization for the City of Bartlett since 1997, which includes government buildings, public parks and school districts, as well as roadside weed control.

Headquartered in Bartlett since 1984, Herbi-Systems has been a vital part of the fabric of the Bartlett community for more than three decades. Herbi-Systems is the largest locally owned lawn care provider in the Greater Memphis Area, serving more than 8,000 homeowners as well as industrial, governmental and commercial entities. For more information on Herbi-Systems, call (901) 382-5296, visit herbi-systems.com and follow the company on Facebook.