Want to offer help to devastated tornado victims in Tennessee, Arkansas and Mississippi? Here are some resources.
- CNN.com article on tornado relief resources (article is about Arkansas, but resources are general)
- Local Tupelo tornado relief efforts (from the reliable Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal in Tupelo)
- Tupelo Strong: Donate funds, goods and/or services
- Arkansas tornado relief (includes list of shelters)
- Arkansas tornado relief (includes donation spots)
- Tennessee Baptist Disaster Relief
- Salvation Army disaster relief news
Individuals and smaller groups also are working via Facebook.com to pitch in:
- Operation Clean Up Tupelo
- Operation Clean Up Tupelo (same name, different page)
- Help return Tupelo family photos and heirlooms
- Tupelo Tornado April 28, 2014
- Disaster Relief for Tupelo, MS, tornado victims
- Mississippi football notable John Fourcade will be taking a trailer of supplies to Tupelo the week of May 4-10; contact him via Facebook if you wish to donate funds or supplies.
Unfortunately, sometimes financial predators emerge after disasters. You can minimize the risk of donating to a scam artist if you are cautious. See this article or this one for tips.
If you’re a tornado survivor and need to let loved ones know you are OK, don’t forget about the American Red Cross “Safe and Well” site.
Email if you have a resource you want to add to this list.