Volunteers from Bartlett are meeting monthly as the Wellness Council and working toward goals that support the name of their initiative: Healthier Bartlett. They are supporting the project being conducted by the 2018 Leadership Bartlett class, getting the city designated as a Healthier Tennessee community. Healthier Tennessee communities work to increase physical activity and healthy eating habits and decrease tobacco use. Among other components of the Bartlett volunteers’ work, they are encouraging local businesses and churches to start fitness programs. For more information, visit healthiertn.com/communities. PICTURED: In the front row, from left, are Carolyn Bahm, Linda Barton, Nikia Johnson, Nicole Harmon, Mandy Young, Kathy Carl and Shan Criswell. In the back row, from left, are Kristi Francavilla, Allison Clay, Angelia Allen, Jason Sykes, Cass Anderson and Geniese Bolden. Not pictured are Sharon Fryman, Dion Grey, Laura Hess, Tim Jones, Paul Wright, Scarlett Krumrey, Karen Bernard, Chip Holliday, Sarah Farley and Breanna Radtke. Photo by Amanda Swain.