Healthier Bartlett marks 1 year, continues encouraging wellness

‘The Healthier Bartlett initiative is marking its one-year anniversary and has listed some of its recent, current and upcoming activities.

Recent – State and national awards: At the April 4 Bartlett city board meeting, Healthier Bartlett presented the city with two statewide awards the organization recently received. Those included the Outstanding Social Media Award and the “Move More” initiative for last October’s Marathon in a Month event. Bartlett also placed third in the nation for Marathon in a Month. Awards were presented at the 2019 Healthier Tennessee Communities Awards Gala.

Recent – The Valentines Race: It had 427 registrants with 85 percent showing up to do the race despite the cold weather. The number was slightly down from previous years.

Current – Millions Miles in a Month: Participants are submitting their individual run/walk numbers online with a global goal of 1 million miles. This free event encourages businesses, churches, school and others to commit to frequent walking during April. It’s a challenge to make communities healthier.

Each person on a team completes physical activity and logs in miles online. Some devices such as FitBit and apps/websites such as MapMyFitness also allow participants to automatically import data on their movements.

The participant’s personal profile will track his/her personal statistics and goals. Each person’s stats will be added to the community-wide mileage ticker showing the collective miles covered, calories burned and minutes of activity.

Communities are competing on the leaderboards for bragging rights. It’s not too late to join and help Bartlett win. To participate, get started by filling out the Organization form at

Current – Tobacco Cessation poster contest: Eleven schools have agreed to participate. Two winners per school in grades 4 and 5 will be announced, and the winners’ art will be enlarged to go into parks. Students have already received contest details.

Upcoming – Cars & Coffee Event: Healthier Bartlett will man a table and provide volunteers to serve coffee 9-11 a.m. to the exhibitors at a May 18 car exhibition at W.J. Freeman Park. The event also coincides with national Get Kids to Park Day and the beginning of Farmers Market at the park. Activities on hand at the park will include inflatables, large group games and crafts, a K9 demo, a Bartlett Fire truck, and a mobile unit from Bartlett Public Library providing a story time, book giveaway and library card registration for children, 9 a.m.-noon.

For details about Healthier Bartlett, including contacts and meeting details, visit