At a Glance for Sept. 15, 2016

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Bartlett’s beautiful fall gardens prepared for free Oct. 2 tour

Bartlett City Beautiful is sponsoring a Fall Garden Tour at 1-4 p.m. Oct. 2. This free event is open to the public (donations accepted).

The tour includes the home of Jim Crowder, a local horticulturist and plantsman who recently retired as manager of the Dan West Garden Center on U.S. 64. Other gardens on the tour reflect a broad diversity in style from a tropical pool oasis to naturalized beauty.

Properties on the tour will include 4331 Sunny Trail Cove, 4410 Guinevere Lane, 3345 Venson Drive, 2923 Sycamore View Road and 3736 Berlinwood Cove South. The tour can start at any of the homes on the list. See a tour map online at

Start college savings early, enter to win $1K scholarships

September is College Savings Month, and State Treasurer David H. Lillard Jr. wants you to know the Three Stars for College Savings: start early, make saving a habit, and open a TNStars account. The TNStars College Savings 529 Program will help Tennessee children get an early start to their college savings account this month by giving away $1,000 scholarships to three lucky children ages 10 or under.

Tennessee residents age 21 and older can enter the scholarship giveaway on behalf of children in this age range. To enter, go online to now through Sept. 30.

Nationally ranked in the top five for investment performance by Saving for College LLC, TNStars was created to help Tennesseans save for the growing cost of post-secondary education.