Powerhouse singer comes to BPACC

Melinda Doolittle, a former “American Idol” star, will perform at 8 p.m. Saturday in the Bartlett Performing Arts Center. The $25 tickets are selling fast. See details at bpacc.org.
‘Back the Blue’ stickers are back in stock
“Back the Blue” decals that support the work of the Bartlett Police Department are back in stock. Stop by the Bartlett Station Municipal Center on a weekday to grab one. The BPD promises it makes your car look better than it does now.
Order pork butt, support First Responders Monument in Bartlett
The Bartlett First Responders Monument Committee is selling pork butts prepared by a previous BBQ champion. These $30 beauties will be delivered to recipients in time for their Super Bowl parties. This Friday is the final date they can be ordered.
Committee members Cindy Rickert, Mick Wright, Tony Webb, Howard McNatt, Joel Prout, Stephanie Holmes, Paul Smith, Julianna Goodman and Emily Elliott are taking the orders. Elliott can be emailed at eelliott@cityofbartlett.org, or you can message the other committee members on Facebook if you are friends. Provide your name, address and contact number. Checks need to be made out to the City of Bartlett with the notation, “First Responders Monument.”
Bartlett Movies in the Park program releases 2017 dates
The popular free “Bartlett Movies in the Park” program at W.C. Freeman Park will return this summer, and dates have just been announced for April 21, may 19, June 2 and June 16. Movie titles have not yet been released.
The Bartlett Lions Club has agreed to be the presenting sponsor, and more sponsors are still needed to keep this a free movie series. To ask about a sponsorship, contact Commissioner Glen Mullins at bartlettmoviesinthepark@gmail.com. Watch for movie updates on the Facebook page, facebook.com/BartlettParkMovies.