At a Glance for Feb. 5, 2015

St. Francis aids healthy hearts with seminar

heart-picHeart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. The good news is that heart disease is both preventable and controllable.

As part of their American Heart Month activities, Saint Francis Hospital-Bartlett and cardiologist Joseph S. Weinstein, M.D., will host a free seminar, “Avoiding The First Heart Attack, Preventing The Second.”

The seminar will be at 5:30 p.m. Feb. 12. Space is limited; call (901) 820-7022 for reservations.

Arlington Fire Station moves temporarily

Arlington Fire Station 71 will be relocated from 11754 Douglas to 11719 Memphis Arlington for approximately 180 days while the existing facility is being renovated and expanded.

Jemar Lambert back in court, no trial date set

Jemar Lambert
Jemar Lambert

The Galilee Memorial Gardens cemetery case got an update Friday when owner Jemar Lambert briefly appeared in Shelby County Criminal court.

His attorney, Coleman Garrett, said he is working to resolve the case but declined to provide specifics. A trial date has not been set. The next hearing is Feb. 27.

Lambert was charged with theft of property in 2013 for allegedly appropriating someone else’s adjoining land for burial plots.

He also faces legal scrutiny in a different case where he allegedly buried multiple bodies in the same grave, crushed caskets to conserve space and misplaced bodily remains. A group of 500+ family members are also suing him and some area funeral homes.

Local attorney David Kustoff is the deputy receiver for Galilee Memorial Gardens, and he said Friday the cemetery remains in receivership and is closed to the public, including family members.

The investigation is ongoing, he said.