At a Glance for Dec. 11, 2014

Map of railroad closure

Railroad track to be repaired on St. Elmo

CSX Railroad will be closing the RR crossing on St. Elmo to repair the tracks. The work is scheduled for Dec. 15-17.

2014 Bartlett ornament

Bartlett’s 27th ornament honors schools

The 27th annual Bartlett Christmas tree ornament features the new Bartlett City Schools’ logo. It is being sold for $10 at Bartlett Station Municipal Center and City Hall. For details, call (901) 385-5589 or email

Holiday lights to be judged Dec. 11-18

xmas-lightsBartlett City Beautiful Commission is sponsoring its annual Holiday Lighting Contest for the city’s best residential and business uses of exterior Christmas decorations during Dec. 11-18. The final judging for awards will begin at 5 p.m. on the evening of Dec. 18.

A panel of judges will award a first, second, third place to residences and one commercial property winner.  The winners are chosen from among 12 finalists, each representing a subsection of the city. The top winners will each receive a yard sign and a handsome plaque.

The decorations will be judged on their beauty and originality, not necessarily on the cost invested or on the amount of decorations you have.

Any questions can be directed to Kenneth Parks.

Bartlett events planned for holidays

  • The Davies Manor Plantation will host a free open house 2-4 p.m. on Dec. 14 at the property’s Hillwood Barn.
  • The Bartlett Community Concert Band will perform its Robinwood Retirement Home Christmas Concert at 3 p.m. Dec. 14. The home is at 2795 Kirby Whitten Road in Bartlett.

See more area events in our online calendar at