At a Glance for Aug. 18, 2016

Special pages on senior citizens in this issue

Inside, see pages 6-9 for information custom-designed for the Mid-South’s senior citizens.

Saturday’s Expo to showcase what Lakeland businesses have to offer

The Lakeland Expo will introduce visitors to the products and services that local businesses provide to their customers. The event will be 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Aug. 20 at Lakeland Elementary School. There will be demos and door prizes, as well as face painting, balloon twisting and games for the children. For more information, email

Girl Scout Saturday opens doors to learn more, sign up, have fun

This weekend’s Girl Scout Saturday coordinates events throughout the Mid-South, including a fun fair at Brighton High School and Aldersgate United Methodist Church in Memphis, as well as signups at the Cordova Public Library, the Millington Chick-fil-A and the Cordova public library. See details online at

Davies Plantation to highlight locally grown veggie varieties

The Davies Manor Plantation in Bartlett is hoting a garden-to-table party from noon until 4 p.m. Saturday with tastings of 10 tomato varieties from the manor’s own kitchen garden. Admission of $5 includes a tour of the manor house.

BPACC kicks off 18th season with Billy Bob Thornton showcase

The Bartlett Performing Arts and Conference Center will host Billy Bob Thornton and the Boxmasters at 8 p.m. Aug. 27 to start the season. For details on season passes, individual tickets and other coming attractions, visit or call (901) 385-6440.