Friday night shooting under investigation in Bartlett

Bartlett Police are investigating a shooting last Friday night, June 1, on Eagle Valley Cove, which is just south of Quail Ridge Golf Course.

Neighbors said they heard what sounded like fireworks that night, June 1. Afterward the area showed visible signs of the altercation between someone in a vehicle and a young man: One mailbox was shot up, and another homeowner had gunshot damage to his front door’s glass, garage door and car tire.

Some nearby residents are fearful and said they are considering moving. Others said it’s been peaceful until now and they hope it’s a one-time incident.

No information has been released on the identity, extent of injuries or health status of the victim, an 18-year-old male.

Neighbor Anthony Woods told reporters at the scene that he wasn’t home at the time of the incident but saw the police presence on his home’s security camera, accessed remotely with his phone. He said he’s lived there for more than 12 years without previous problems.

CAROLYN BAHM is the editor of The Bartlett Express. Contact her at (901) 433-9138 or via email to