TOP: Children adore getting to clamberall over this historic fire truck whenever Bartlett Fire Department brings it out. It was on display for the annual reserve firefighters’ pancake breakfast held on Saturday at the Bartlett Municipal Center. It’s one of their main fundraisers to help needy families in the Bartlett community and support charitable organizations. The 2016 pancake-flipping event sold $5,126 in pre-orders and $5,200 at the door, for gross sales of $10,326, organizers said Tuesday. Supplies cost approximately $3,000, so the event netted about $7,000 as projected to be used for the Dream Factory, the Ronald McDonald House and Christmas baskets for local families in need. BELOW: More than just pancake flipping goes on at the annual breakfast. Children get faces painted, find interesting exhibits to explore and get goodies to take home.