Exchange students seek host families

ie-usa-logoInternational Experience (iE-USA) has announced that visiting students, ages 15-18, from around the world are seeking host families for the upcoming 2016-2017 academic school year.

“Every year our state plays host to many talented, top-of-their-class students with the lifelong dream of studying in America,” said Emily Rolin, iE-USA’s Regional Director, “and our communities reap the rewards.”

These students come from many countries, including Germany, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Thailand, Montenegro, and Argentina.

Each student undergoes an extensive application process and is responsible for his/her own spending money and health insurance coverage.

A list of current students can be found online at

For details, contact iE-USA’s national office at (888) 266-2921 or to connect with the local coordinator in your area. See the iE-USA Facebook page for more info.