Clubs host 2014 Crime Prevention Luncheon

2014 honorees at the Crime Prevention Luncheon

The Exchange Clubs of Memphis and Shelby County recently honored fifth-graders at the annual Crime Prevention Luncheon. Pictured are, from left, Rick Holland, Chair of Committee; Jr. Chief Deputy Jack Dimento from Crosswind Elementary and Chief Inspector Bill Allen; Jr. Sheriff Noah Stewart from Crosswind Elementary and Chief Director Bill Cash; Jr. FBI Asst. SAC Mary Hunter Adair from Briarcrest Schools and FBI Asst. SAC Greg Bowden; Jr. FBI-SAC Andrew Feeny from Our Lady of Perpetual Help and FBI-SAC Todd McCall; Jr. Deputy Director Elizabeth Murry from Idlewild Elementary and Deputy Director Anthony Berryhill; Jr. Police Director Janya M. Wooldridge from Raleigh Egypt Meadows Elementary and Deputy Chief Arley Knight and Pat Anderson, District Director 1.

The Exchange Clubs of Memphis and Shelby County celebrated more than 50 years of honoring fifth graders at the Crime Prevention Luncheon recently at Southwest Tennessee Community College’s Macon campus.

The students wrote an essay on how they would take a bite out of crime. Then a committee of Exchange Club members read the essays and selected eight finalists in each category (Sheriff, Police Director, and FBI Special Agent in Charge). The students then came to an interview where a panel of law enforcement personnel and Exchange Club members asked them questions to narrow the choices to two in each category as finalists.