Events Round-up for Oct. 1, 2015

Poetry, charity unite on Oct. 17

poetry-micThe Spartan City Poetry Club will host the Poetry Pantry SLAM Fall Food Drive 2-4 p.m. on Oct. 17. This free event will be held at the Cordova Branch Library, 8457 Trinity Road, in Large Meeting Room A.

Help the club slam the door on hunger by attending this event and bringing food items to donate.

Performers may sign up to participate by emailing and specifying whether they want to do an open mic poetry reading or compete in the poetry slam for prizes.

Food items will go to the Mid-South Food Bank, MIFA and more. For every non-perishable food item donated, the donor will get an extra ticket in a grand prize raffle drawing.

For details, contact Jessica L. Crenshaw at (901) 415-2764, email or visit the website at

Children’s home plans Oct. 17 fest, car show

The Tennessee Baptist Children’s Home at 6896 U.S. 70 in Bartlett will host a Fall Festival and Car Show on Oct. 17.

Festivities will be 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Oct. 17 at the children’s home. For information about the children’s home, visit

Genealogy pro to address Nov. 7 fall seminar

Renowned genealogist D. Joshua Taylor will be the guest speaker for the annual fall seminar of the Tennessee Genealogical Society (TGS). The all-day event will be on Nov. 7 at the Germantown Church of Christ.

The seminar will begin at 8:30 a.m. and will consist of four sessions:

  • “The Modern Genealogist: Time-saving Tips for Every Researcher”
  • “Newspapers in Your Research”
  • “Bridging the Gap: Finding Ancestors in the U.S. Between 1780 and 1830”
  • “The Web, the World and You!”

Lunch will be provided on site.

Admission is $40 for TGS members, $45 for non-members and $20 for students. Register online at the TGS website,, or on a registration form downloaded from the site.

Taylor is the director of family history at Passionate about the future of family history, he is a nationally known and recognized genealogical author, lecturer and researcher and a frequent speaker at family history events across the globe.

Active in the genealogical community, he is the current president for the Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS) and the recipient of numerous awards and honors, including RootsTech’s Distinguished Presented Award, the FGS Award of Merit and the Rubincam Youth Award from the National Genealogical Society.

He holds a master of library science degree in archival management and a master of arts in history from Simmons College.

He has been a featured genealogist on “Who Do You Think You Are?” with Sarah Jessica Parker, Kelly Clarkson, Ashley Judd, Reba McEntire and Rob Lowe.

Currently, Taylor can be seen taking America through its past as a host on the popular PBS series, “Genealogy Roadshow.” For more information, contact John W. Ware III of the TGS at

Ellendale Elementary to host 5K Fun Run

Runners are gearing up for the Ellendale Elementary School’s annual 5K Fun Run, slated for 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Nov. 7 on school’s grounds.

The event is coordinated through the school’s Parent Teacher Association (PTA), parent volunteers, and school faculty and staff.

Prepare for ‘12 Hours of Stank’ bike race Nov. 7

Stanky Creek Cycling, a biking club, will host 12 Hours of Stank, a mountain bike race, at Nesbit Park (5760 Yale Road, Bartlett).

The race will be 7 a.m.-10:30 p.m. Nov. 7. The trail is 10.5 miles long and includes a few drops, log piles, ramps and a creek crossing. There will be a pre-ride all day the Friday before the race and 6-7 a.m. on race day.

Entry fees are:

  • Solo: $75 until Nov. 4, or $85 the day of the event
  • Teams: $65 per member until Nov. 4, or $75 the day of the event

A USA Cycling license is required. It can be purchased for $10 for bikers who don’t have an annual license.

Register online at through Nov. 4. Same-day registration at the event closes at 8:30 a.m. See details online at!events/c7ik. For details, contact the promoter, Larry Dunn, at