Epiphany Lutheran Church offers Holy Week services

Epiphany Lutheran Church in Germantown will be holding several worship services during Holy Week. On Palm Sunday, April 14, the 10 a.m. worship service will begin with a Palm Processional, with worshipers waving their palm crosses as they move into the chapel for the service. Immediately following the service, all are invited to a potluck luncheon.

On Maundy Thursday, April 18, a special worship service will take place at 6 pm to commemorate The Last Supper and the initiation of Holy Communion (the Eucharist), observed in many Christian churches.

At 7 pm on Good Friday, April 19, Epiphany is offering a Tenebrae worship service. This is an ancient Christian Good Friday service that makes use of gradually diminishing light through the extinguishing of candles to symbolize the events of Holy Week, from the triumphant Palm Sunday entry through Jesus’ burial. The increasing darkness symbolizes the approaching darkness of Jesus’ death and of hopelessness in the world without God. The worshipers then leave in silence to ponder the impact of Christ’s death and await the coming Resurrection.

“Christians have long practiced times of worship and service during the week before Easter as a way to remember Jesus’ last week before his crucifixion and resurrection. By participating in worship, reflection and prayer during this time, Christ’s sacrifice becomes more meaningful for both long-time Christians and those exploring the faith,” said Pastor Monica Weber.

All services take place in Schaeffer Memorial Chapel at Kingsway Christian Church, 7887 Poplar Avenue in Germantown (right next to Whole Foods), and include Holy Communion, which is open to everyone. To see the full schedule online, visit epiphanylu.org/lent-and-easter-2019.html.