Rivercrest’s Boston butt sale open through Sept. 28
Take the night off from cooking while supporting a Bartlett City School at the same time. Rivercrest Elementary Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is presenting its Fall Boston butt fundraiser.
Orders can be placed though Sept. 28 for $30, and the purchases can be picked up Oct. 3 from 8 a.m. until 11 a.m. in the school’s Guffin Road parking lot.
Only advance sales will be available.
Arrangements can be made to pick up payments prior to the fundraiser. Purchases also may be delivered on the day of the fundraiser.
Checks should be made payable to Rivercrest PTO.
Taylor Farms Smoke-house will smoke the cuts of meat on site. Each Boston butt will weigh about 9 pounds.
For more information, email rivercrest.pto.fundraiser@gmail.com.
SBA seniors earn top art ribbons at 2015 Delta Fair
St. Benedict at Auburndale seniors Vanessa Tejada of Cordova and Courtney Melvin of Germantown received the top art awards at the recent Delta Fair competition and exhibition.
Vanessa’s outstanding fruit stand piece was chosen Best Overall Student Art and she also won a First Award and the Memphis College of Art Award.
Courtney’s drawing of a dog garnered the Chairman’s Choice Award.
Both students have previously placed in the Brooks Student Scholastic Art Competition and both are AP Art students at SBA.
Supper program returns for Shelby schools
MEMPHIS, Tenn. — The Shelby County Schools Department of Nutrition Services will offer its After-School Supper Program for the second year. The supper program provides one snack and one meal for every student who attends participating after-school programs, which can be school-or community based.
In 2014, the program’s inaugural year in Shelby County, the District served supper to over 3,000 students a day across more than 100 after-school programs and community partner sites.
“It’s such an honor to be able to provide a nutritious supper for so many students across the city, some who may not have access to another meal when they leave their after school programs,” said Calvin Johnson, Director of School Operations for Nutrition Services.
Any organized community- and school-based after-school programs that serve students under the age of 18 are eligible to participate in the supper program.
This can include community centers, faith-based programs, school or community athletics programs and other organized after-school activities. The only requirement for participation is that a program representative attends a mandatory training prior to receiving meals.
Note: The supper program is not available for the District’s School Age Child Care (SACC) programs. The District has a program through the office of SACC for which Nutrition Services provides the meals.
Shelby County Schools’ Department of Nutrition Services is the only school district program in Tennessee to offer a universal free at-risk supper program. The program is made possible through the USDA’s Child and Adult Care Food Program.
For more information about how your school or community after-school program can get started, contact the Shelby County Schools Department of Nutrition Services at (901) 416-5550.
DSCC computer labs to open for scholarship event
DYERSBURG, Tenn. — Dyersburg State Community College (DSCC) will open up access to its computers at each DSCC location for 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on Sept. 26. The purpose is to allow area high school seniors to sign up for Tennessee Promise and fill out their college applications as part of a statewide Scholarship Saturday event.
Events will be held at the Student Center on the Dyersburg campus, the Jimmy Naifeh Building at the Jimmy Naifeh Center at Tipton County, and the Computer Lab at the Gibson County Center.
Free pizza and drinks will also be available for students that sign up on this day.
As a reminder, there is no application fee to apply to DSCC.
For more information, contact Margaret Jones, Assistant Director of Admissions, at (731) 286-3327 or mjones@dscc.edu.
New IEA Program to aid parents of children with special needs
The Tennessee Department of Education has released preliminary information for Tennessee families about the new Individualized Education Account (IEA) Program. Parents of students with certain special needs in Tennessee can now visit https://tn.gov/education/section/iea to learn about the law, get answers to Frequently Asked Questions and more.
The IEA Program provides options for parents of students with certain special needs to choose the educational opportunities that best meet their children’s individual learning needs. The accounts will be available for the 2016-2017 school year, but parents can learn about the program now and use the resources from the Department to stay up-to-date on the development and adoption of implementation rules, policies and procedures as the program rolls out. Detailed instructions for enrollment in the IEA Program will be released in spring 2016. Parents can also sign up for email updates on the program via our partner, the Beacon Center of Tennessee.
The Foundation for Excellence in Education (ExcelinEd) commends Tennessee leaders and the Tennessee Department of Education for making this program available.
Eligibility includes autism, deaf-blindness, a hearing impairment (including deafness), an intellectual disability, an orthopedic impairment, a traumatic brain injury or a visual impairment (including blindness). For details, visit ExcelinEd.org.