Dist. 95 House race: 10 of 11 candidates qualified


The deadline for filing petitions to qualify to run in the House of Representatives District 95 Special Election was noon today, March 16.

Ten of the 11 people who pulled petitions returned the documents with the required number of verified registered voters who reside in District 95.

There are seven Republican candidates: Joseph Aaron Crone, Gail Williams Horner, Curtis D. Loynachan, Missy Marshall, Billy Patton, Frank Uhlhorn and Kevin Vaughan. Julie Byrd Ashworth is the sole Democratic candidate, and there are two Independent candidates, Robert Schutt and Jim Tomasik.

Jim Tomasik does not reside in the 95th district at this time; however, according to state law, he has until the General Election Day to become a resident of the district.

The ballot will not be official until the candidates are certified by SCEC Commissioners, scheduled to take place at the regular monthly meeting Tuesday, March 21, at 4 p.m.

The deadline for candidates to withdraw their petitions to run in the Special Election is Monday, March 20.

“This gives people who have qualified the opportunity to change their minds,” said Linda Phillips, administrator of elections for the Shelby County Election Commission.

Early voting for the Special Primary Election begins April 7, and continues through April 22, except on Sundays. There will be no Early Voting on April 14, when SCEC is closed in observance of the Good Friday Holiday.

There will be two early voting locations, one at New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church in Germantown and the other at Collierville Church of Christ.

Special Primary Election Day is Thursday, April 27. After March 21st, a complete list of times and locations, will be available at shelbyvote.com.

The General Special Election will be held June 15, with early voting from May 26 through June 10.

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