Delta Fair and Music Festival fosters community

Jan Hamilton, crafts, culinary and collectibles director for Delta Fair and Music festival, welcomes a Tennessee Baptist Children’s Home host family to the fair.

By Jan Hamilton

“We are so excited to have you be our guests at Delta Fair,” Jan Hamilton, director of crafts and senior American Day, told the children in one of the groups from the Tennessee Baptist Children’s Home. Each year, Delta Fair and Music Festival invites the children from the Boys’ Ranch and the Children’s Home to be their guest by providing the house parents with free admission and parking and the children with admission and wristbands to enjoy their day at the fair.

“This is only one of the ways that Delta Fair and Music Festival gives back to the community,” Hamilton stated. “Owner, Mark Lovell, has a huge heart for the community, and service is one of his many spiritual gifts. He has built his business in this community and raised his family here. He invites non-profit groups like Boy Scout troops, church youth groups and area high school athletic teams to assist with parking vehicles to raise money for their cause. We are proud to be a part of the Universal Fair family and to call the Agricenter our home. We hire locally to fill positions needed before, during and after the fair. Lovell has built Delta Fair into the success it is through hard work and giving back to the community that has welcomed the Delta Fair.”

Students also have an Art Contest.  Winning the overall best of show art award of $500 and the first place in the 12th grade of $100 was Jean Ziong from Cordova High School.  Second place in the 12th grade, winning $75 was Flannery Harper from Central High School.  Third place in the 12th grade, winning $25 was Zoe Harrison of St. Agnes Academy.  Fifth place, winning $20 was Matt Toups from Arlington High School.  Sixth place, winning $15 was Hannah Conrad from St. Agnes Academy.  The 6 students winning the above awards were each also awarded a scholarship to Memphis College of Art, offering up to $4000 in scholarship if a student applies and is accepted at Memphis College of Art. Delta Fair and Music Festival give monetary awards and ribbons in all grades from special education through 12th grade.

“Delta Fair and Music Festival truly offers something for everyone in our communities,” Hamilton said, “from agribuisiness with exciting livestock competitions to national culinary contests with Karo, Pillsbury and Spam, Senior American Day, daily demonstrations by area crafters and vendor, concerts form the artists you listen to, the best fair food anywhere and thrilling rides that can’t be beat and long with wholesome family fun in a great, safe environment. Plan now to come see us August 30 through September 8 in 2013 at Delta Fair and Music Festival.”