Davies Manor Plantation to host quilt show Nov. 6-8

quilt,-color-corrected2The Davies Manor Plantation’s annual Quilt and Fiber Arts Show and Sale will be Nov. 6-8. It includes one of the traveling collections of fiber art from the Hoffman Challenge, including 40 quilts and 15 dolls.

The event features vendors selling homemade preserves, handmade soaps, fabric creations, handcrafted wood products, quilts, pine needle baskets and other handmade crafts, toys and apparel. There will be crafting demonstrations in the Hillwood Barn, on the lawn and at the Gotten Cabin.

Re-enactors will camp out and perform on the grounds, and all can try 19th-century games like Graces or Cup and Ball.

See more information online at daviesmanorplantation.org/.