Cordova writer signs with Tate Publishing

Prayer-Praise-and-Worship-book-coverCordova author Adriane P. O’Neal has signed with Tate Publishing to begin the publication of her non-fiction book, Prayer, Praise, and Worship.

A story of experience and lifestyle, Prayer, Praise, and Worship is a work of practical information for the novice in Christianity to aid the way with God.

“My inspiration for writing this book was first, a desire God placed in my heart for worship and also, my daily lifestyle as a prayer warrior, a praise and worship leader at my church and home. I love to pray, praise, and worship God. It was also prophesied for me in obedience and listening to the promptings of the Holy Spirit I put ink to paper,” says O’Neal on the inspiration behind the book.

Tate Publishing’s co-owner and Acquisitions Editor Trinity Tate-Edgerton said, “It’s a beautiful book that has touched my heart and filled my spirit! I loved the scripture reference and research put into each concept. I loved the writing style which leaves a reader uplifted and inspired without feeling too preached at or overwhelmed. O’Neal’s step-by-step explanations of prayer and worship not only reveals how to become closer to God but to offer a remedy for evil and truly pinpoint that our praise can stop the enemy,”

Upon its release, the book will be available through bookstores nationwide, from the publisher at, or by visiting or

O’Neal was working as an editor and typist for one of her past pastors, who wrote numerous books. Her daughter is currently in law school at the University of Memphis and her son Darius is graduating in May 2016 from Milligan College. Besides loving to sing, sometimes she strums guitar or play the piano. She loves to read the Bible and other books that help her stay fresh with her walk with God.