Community partnerships support BCS fine arts, sports

Bartlett students are the ones who benefit from community sponsorship of their fine arts and athletics programs. Courtesy photo.

Bartlett has supported its public school district from the beginning, and the new school year that began July 1 kicked off the second year of a special partnership with businesses, civic groups, churches and other organizations. The Bartlett City Schools District Sponsorship Program is working with sponsors to build a better foundation for sports and fine arts in the city’s 11 public schools.

Seven levels of sponsorship create new ways to help the schools as a whole, and each sponsorship level has creative ways to put out the word about those who help the district. Businesses can still support individual student programs, but this gives a new opportunity to support two specific areas, art and sports, for the entire district.

“For us to be successful in all areas, we recognized the need for community partners,” said Jason Sykes, BCS communications, volunteer and outreach coordinator. “… To make our school system the very best, we need everybody.”

Last school year, the program raised about $60,000, he said, and it funneled money back to every single school. The bulk went to Bartlett High School to defray some of the student fees and equipment costs in sports and the fine arts. A committee of district staff and community leaders selected what should be funded based on the schools’ needs.

Last year’s platinum sponsors were the Bank of Bartlett, Leaders Credit Union, McDonald Insurance and Financial Services, and Southern Security Federal Credit Union.

Sponsorship levels have been updated for the 2017-2018 school year.

Platinum, $10,000

Sponsors receive an in-game promotion opportunity, in-game sponsorship opportunity, title sponsorship opportunity, title sponsorship at Panther Prowl 5K Race, on-site advertising opportunity (provided by sponsor with BCS approval), promotional opportunities at district events, addition to the No-Call District List, and everything at the Gold through Alumni sponsorship levels.

Gold, $5,000

Sponsors receive a pregame “game ball” presentation, on-site distribution opportunity at games and approved school events, 30 commercials at BHS football/basketball games, two reserved Bartlett High School football/basketball seats, a full-page ad in the BHS yearbook, and everything at the Silver through Alumni sponsorship levels.

Silver, $2,500

Sponsors receive two BHS All Sports Passes for the 2017-2018 season, a half-page ad in the BHS Yearbook, recognition in the BHS Theatre Playbill and everything at the Bronze through Alumni sponsorship levels.

Bronze, $1,000

Sponsors receive a standalone logo on the video board at BHS Stadium and the gymnasium during the 2017-18 school year, a feature on the BHS video board at all events, a business card-sized ad in the BHS Yearbook, a thank-you on the BHS and BCS social media pages, and everything at the Panther through Alumni sponsorship levels.

Panther, $500

Sponsors receive a business logo listed on the video board at BHS Stadium and the gymnasium during the 2017-18 school year, booster wall recognition at BHS, and everything at the Alumni sponsorship level.

Alumni, $100-$499

This sponsorship is for any supporter of Bartlett City Schools. Donors will have the satisfaction of knowing that they are supporting the attitude of excellence at BCS.

Scoreboard panel, $2,500 (only six available)

Have your business name and logo displayed on a side panel of the scoreboard at BHS Stadium and on-screen inside the BHS Gymnasium. Your information will be seen by more than 50,000 people over the year.

“We’ve had really great responses so far,” Sykes said. “… We’re excited about the momentum we’ve built.”

In conversations with business leaders, they have told him, “It’s no longer about forming our schools. The conversation is more about what we can do to support you guys to be the best.”

In return, BCS leaders have told them, “We don’t just want a check — we want to engage with you.”

Those interested in joining this community partnership with BCS can contact Sykes at (901) 202-0855, Ext. 252, or email him at He also can coordinate a presentation to your business or organization. Written by Carolyn Bahm, Express Editor. Contact her at (901) 433-9138 or via email to