Collegiate Corner for March 2, 2017

College graduateColleges and universities have announced the following news about area students.


  • The following students have been named to the fall 2016 dean’s list at the University of Memphis.
    • Bartlett students include Kenneth Abney, Amaj Ahmed, Sandy Ahmedy, Timothy Albin, Alexa Alcala, Kim Alcala, Christopher Anderson, Katrina Arnold, Bradnei Avery, Emily Awtrey, Joshua Ayers, Anna Bailey, Ryan Bailey, Emilee Barclay, Stephanie Barry, Hunter Beckham, Cassandra Bedsole, Shelby Bowden, Benjamin Bomar, Bailey Bradley, Brendan Bradley, Dynasty Brown, Austin Cantu, Gail Carroll, Stacie Carlson, Tracie Chakraborty, Katelyn Chambers, Nadia Chowdhury, Aaron Clifft, Austin Conlee, Joshua Cooley, Alison Crookshanks, William Crosslin, Patricia Crouch, Haley Daniels, Preston Darling, Alexandra Domnick, Miranda Domnick, Shelby Dozier, Nikkia Dugas, Kayla Eddy, Lauren Edwards, Jacob Ellis, Briyanna Eubanks, Isaiah Feild, Amanda Foster, McKenzie Franz, Brianna Frye, Megan Galbach, Rylie Gordon, Kennedy Gorman, Cheyenne Gray, Anna Gretz, Mitchell Groome, Ian Hanken, Tyler Hansen, Jim Harbin, Chandler Hartsell, Nathan Harty, Megan Hayden, Emily Hayes, Jerica Head, Allison Hopper, Michael Hollandsworth, Andrew Hollis, Mackenzie Hurley, Savanna Ivy, Bria Johnson, Matthew Johnson, Hannah Jones, Kelsey Josephson, Richard Kaiser, Emily Keith, Jeffery Kelley, Mackenzie King, Mariah Kleinjan, Mark Krebs, Jessica Leung, Faith Lewis, Brittany Logan, Rebecca Longoria, Oskard Maco-Guillen, Tyese Madison, Melissa Manshack, Mariah Martini, Mackenzie Mathis, Keri Max, Lindsey Max, Christina McAuliffe, Ryan McBride, Tyler McBride, Louis McClellan, Madison McGhee, Amber McGlown, Lauren McKinnie, Kimberly McMahan, Jonathan Metts, Eric Mitten, Joanna Monroy, Alanna Murphy, Christina Owens, Jordan Papineau, Amy Patton, Clifford Paulk, Abigail Phillips, Justin Pickard, Stephanie Pierce, Breanna Pollet, Penelope Ponthieu, Hayley Pyron, David Reddick, Brandon Reynolds, James Riales, Zachery Riggs, Brandi Rish, Connor Ryan, Eva Schwendimann, Hannah Scott, Hashim Shawa, Amber Shedd, Presley Shilling, Cameron Showalter, Charlette Slape, Morgan Smith, Coley Sontag, Colton Spicer, Alyxandria Stafford, Tiffany Stanfield, Kylie Stephan, Jeffrey Stokes, Jonathan Street, Austin Sturdivant, Briyante Sullivan, Nicholas Svoboda, McKenzie Sweeney, Ellen Sutton, Addison Taylor, Jordan Taylor, Kimberley Taylor, Kathryn Tenner, Amber Thomas, Taylor Thomas, Andrew Thornton, Haley Todd, Gabrielle Tollison, Victoria Truong, Anna Turney, Bryan Underwood, Delaney Untal, Davine Vanneste, Tyler Vernon, Alison Wallach, Christopher Watkins, Ashley Watson, Jacob Weaver, Morgan Whaley, Edward Witherspoon, Maryam Zaidi and Katherine Zaleski.
    • Arlington students include Brianna Amaba, Austin Anderson, Jarrett Anderson, Sayer Anderson, Haley Asbury, Veronica Baker, Chelsea Bartley, Samantha Beach, Abby Blevins, Hanna Bode, Anna Bosi, Katie Boutwell, Kristen Bradford, Sean Bradley, Keegan Brady, Tiffany Brantley, Sondra Brewer, Hunter Brickeen, Sydney Bridges, Gage Bruce, Meaghan Byars, Hannah Caldwell, Mary Cartwright, Samuel Chapman, Emily Churchwell, Haley Copeland, Claire Covington, Scott Craddick, Timothy Criswell, Rachel Davis, Raven Davis, Anh Dinh, Megan Dukes, Connor Duncan, Baldwin Edwards, Lindsay Eftink, Nicole Fantom, Amani Figgs, Michael Frizzell, Thomas Fulcher, Nathan Galloway, Selena Ghazali, Megan Goad, Arielle Granchelle, Sarah Gray, Marie Gumban, Matthew Haddock, Zachary Hall, Emma Halpin, Mallory Ham, Mckinsey Harmon, Tevin Harts, Sarah Harwell, Caroline Hawkins, Jordan Heath, Kristen Hines, Morgan Hitchcock, Bayler Hofstetter, Allison Horne, Samuel Horne, John Horton, Davis Howard, Jacob Hunt, Khayla Jennings, Melissa Jennings, Michael Jennings, Robert Jewell, Haylee Johnson, Kevia Johnson, Robert Johnson, Dakota Jones, Arika Jordan, Brandon Kang, Manpreet Kaur, Chelsé Kelley, Katelyn Kelly, Madison Kerr, Joseph King, Taylor King, Anna Kirby, Hunter Kissinger, Erin Knight, Cody Kossan, Matthew Kossan, Kevin Ledford, Annabel Lee, Allysa Levans, Allison Lewis, Amanda Liverseidge, Kara Marr, Ronson Marsh, Rebecca Martin, Zachary Mashburn, Joseph Matheny, Krista Matheny, Olivia Max, Glenn May, Austin McElveen, Tessa McKinney, Callie McMorran, Kaitlynn Messler, Melissa Metaxas, Ashleigh Mitchell, Morgan Monday, Mason Moore, Paul Mowry, Caroline Mulder, Peyton Murin, Kenny Myers, Aisha Naantaanbuu, Trevor Nelms, Timmy Nguyen, Caryn Nichols, Julia Nichols, Rachel Nichols, Elizabeth Norton, Nicholas Owens, Nicholas Passman, Kylie Patty, Alexis Pellerin, Madison Pendergrass, Jacob Pina, Nichole Pina, John Prescott, John Prescott, Kristina Pruitt, Eric Puckett, Kathryn Ragle, Austin Ray, Tiffanni Richardson, Benjamin Rieben, Andrew Robinson, Richard Romero, Celine Rone, Jacob Rooks, Kristy Schoulder, Savannah Shelton, Robert Siskin, Obsa Siyo, Brittany Smith, Jessica Spence, Matthew Starnes, Mary Steele, Savannah Thompson, Lauren Todd, Lauren Tomlinson, Grayson Torkell, Joshua Vega, Joseph Vitullo, Allison Walker, Amanda Walker, Christopher Wall, Courtnee Wall, Torrey Wayland, Brett White, Sara Whittington, Emma Wieland, Megan Williams, Eliza Willis, Elise Wilson and Jeffrey Yarbro.
    • Lakeland students include Olantu Abdulwahab, Adil Abdurahaman, Aaron Alexander, Alexander Arnold, Vivian Bach, Brenna Ballard, Courtney Barlow, Logan Bernard, Justin Bey, Ashtyn Billops, Avery Black, Lauren Brownstein, Connor Burch, Jacob Burkley, Kaylin Celosky, Matthew Childrey, Anthony Cole, Cassie Cole, Erin Cole, Ragan Coleman, Vanessa Dahya, Rebekah Davis, Adam Domico, Tyler Donohue, Samantha Early, Mariya Fedotova, Conner Ferguson, Ryan Glover, Sarah Harder, Weston Harville, Shelby Holden, Alison Johnson, Jacqueline Johnsoncrespo, Elizabeth Kelley, Mitchell King, Katherine Knickerbocker, Matthew Lawler, Tiffany Legarda, Maria Maglio, Catherine Major, Tara McQuaid, Makinlee Meadows, Alainee Miller, Jacob Milligan, Malik Muhammad, Sidel Perez, Daniel Pope, Timothy Pope, Taylor Powell, Timothy Rummel, Reid Russom, Constance Scott, Kristin Shoemaker, Michael Slauson, Ginger Smith, Nathan Stanfield, Greyson Sterling, Julia Swain, Michelle Swain, Karen Allison Talens, Andrea Tartera, Hannah Vickers, Geoffrey Ware, Kristen Wheeler, Arin Wildmann and Lauren Wingard.
  • Harding University in Searcy, Ark., has named the following students to its fall 2016 dean’s list. Eligible students must be carrying 12 or more hours with a 3.65 or higher grade-point average and must have no incompletes.
    • Bartlett students include Meagan Hoard, a marketing major; Casey Montgomery, an elementary education and Spanish major; Robert Montgomery, Ba ible and ministry major; Madison Ramsey, an elementary education major; and Emily Rowsey, an accounting major.
      Arlington students include Cameron Avery, a marketing major; Jocelyn Leibovich, a nursing major; and Madison Taylor, acommunication sciences and disorders major.
      Lakeland students include Ellie Arnett, akinesiology and health licensure major; Gabrielle Nagel, a psychology major; and Hayden Wagner, an accounting major.
  • William Nesbit of Bartlett, an engineering major and graduate of Bartlett High School, has been named to the fall 2016 dean’s list at Maryville College in Maryville, Tenn. Eligible students must have a grade point average of at least 3.6 in all work undertaken with no grade below a C. Only full-time students are considered.
  • Morgan White of Lakeland has been named to the fall 2016 dean’s honor roll at Oklahoma City University. Eligible students must have successfully completed a minimum of 12 credit hours and maintained a grade point average of 3.5 or higher.
  • Kristen Reynolds of Bartlett has been named to the fall 2016 honor roll at Bethel University in McKenzie, Tenn. To qualify, a student must be a traditional undergraduate student who has completed twelve or more hours of academic work with an average of 3.70 or above with no grade below a C.
  • Hailey Ann Guzzo of Bartlett, a major in the College of Education & Human Sciences, has been named to the fall 2016 dean’s list at South Dakota State University in Brookings, S.D. Eligible students must have completed a minimum of 12 credits and must have earned at least a 3.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
  • Amanda Henderson and Chainna Scott have been named to the fall 2016 dean’s list at Carson-Newman University in Jefferson City, Tenn. Eligible students must have earned a grade point average of 3.5 or higher while taking 12 or more credit hours.
  • Zachary W. Riedel of Bartlett and Megan L. Wander of Lakeland have been named to the fall 2016 president’s list at Clemson University in Clemson, S.C. Riedel is majoring in materials science and engineering, and Wander is majoring in environmental engineering. To be named to the president’s list, a student must achieve a 4.0 (all As) grade-point average.


  • Josh Brandon of Arlington, an accounting major at Harding University in Searcy, Ark., left Jan. 25 to begin a three-month semester studying abroad. He will spend the spring 2017 semester at Harding University in Florence, Italy, immersed in Italian culture with other HUF students. Students have the opportunity to visit locations such as Pisa, Rome, Pompeii, Sicily, Siena and other historically significant areas. The group lives together in a 16th-century villa much like a typical Italian family, cultivating new relationships with fellow students. Students in the program have a full course load available to them taught by visiting Harding professors. The classes encourage exploration and interaction among the people of Italy.