Universities and colleges have provided the following announcements about area students.
- Michael Favorite of Bartlett was named to the dean’s list for the spring semester at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kan. Full-time students with at least 12 hours and a grade point average of 3.5 are named to the dean’s list.
- Celine Rone and Christina Thomas, both of Arlington, were named to the dean’s list for the spring semester at Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau, Mo. Students named to the list earned at least a 3.75 grade point average on a 4.0 scale, completed at least 12 hours of standard, graded credit, achieved no grade below a B and received no failing grades in enrolled, credit/no credit or pass/fail courses.
- Kayla Bolden of Bartlett and Juanisha Carrick of Cordova have been named to the dean’s list for the spring semester at Dyersburg State Community College (DSCC) in Dyersburg. To be eligible, a student must complete at least 12 semester hours of college-level courses during the semester and earn a grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 or higher for the semester.
- East Tennessee State University in Johnson City has named the following local students to its dean’s list for the spring semester: Madison N. Conklin, Erin M. Granoski and Rachel S. Harbin, all of Arlington; Amy K. Patterson of Bartlett; Keyana J. Miller, Luke M. Parker and Julia A. Yancey, all of Cordova; and Emily M. Hartsfield and Denise A. Howard, both of Lakeland. To receive this honor, students must successfully complete a minimum of 12 hours of undergraduate coursework with a grade point average of at least 3.7 on a 4.0 scale.
- Harding University in Searcy, Ark., has named the following area students to its dean’s list for the spring semester. To be eligible, a student must be carrying 12 or more hours with a 3.65 or higher grade-point average and no incompletes.
- Students from Arlington included Cameron Avery, marketing major; Joshua Brandon, accounting major; Jocelyn Leibovich, nursing major; Brenna McKee, painting major; and Madison Taylor, communication sciences and disorders major.
- Students from Bartlett included John Dawidow, biomedical engineering major; Meagan Hoard, marketing major; and Emily Rowsey, accounting major.
- Hayden Wagner, an accounting major from Lakeland, also made the dean’s list.
- Morgan White of Lakeland has been named to the president’s honor roll for the spring semester at Oklahoma City University. To be eligible, students must complete a minimum of 12 credit hours during a semester and maintain a GPA of 3.9 or higher.
- Lauren Michelle Wieties of Lakeland graduated from Clemson University on May 7, 2016, with a bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering. The graduation ceremony was at Bon Secours Wellness Arena in Greenville, S.C.
- Nathan Foshee of Bartlett graduated from Rhodes College in Memphis on May 14, 2016. He graduated with a bachelor of arts in history and is the son of Lauren and Brian Foshee.
- Christopher Wilkinson of Arlington has graduated from Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Penn., with a doctor of nursing practice degree in nursing.
- The University of Southern Mississippi held spring commencement exercises May 13 and 14 on its Hattiesburg campus and the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Biloxi, respectively. Local graduates included Katie Elaine Bowman of Bartlett, bachelor of science in business administration; Robert Antonio Burke of Cordova, bachelor of science; and Daphney Andromeda Johnson of Cordova, master’s degree in library and information science.
- Park University held a commencement ceremony May 20 at the Pat Thompson Recreation Center on the Naval Sup-port Activity base in Millington. Summa cum laude means the student had a 3.9-4.0 grade point average (GPA). Magna cum laude students had GPAs of 3.7-3.899.
- Students from Arlington who earned bachelor of science degrees included Brunhilda Broussard-Rice, concentration in management/human resources, magna cum laude; Nancy K. Burney, concentration in management/human resources; Shannon E. Gillentine, concentration in management/human resources, summa cum laude; Darrell R. Marshall, concentration in management; and Sadiq Punjani, concentration in management, summa cum laude.
- Students from Arlington who earned an associate of science degree included Wesley J. Edelo, concentration in management; and Jericus A. Lewis, concentration in management.
- Students from Bartlett who earned bachelor of science degrees included Dorice S. Favorite, concentration in management/human resources; Devin L. Herron, concentration in management; Walter R. Mathis Jr., concentration in management/computer information systems, summa cum laude; Christian J. Patterson Sr., concentration in management/computer information systems; and Barrie David Smith, concentration in management.
- Students from Bartlett who earned an associate of science degree included Leah M. White and Tracie R. Wischoff, both with a concentration in management.
- Students from Cordova who earned bachelor of science degrees included Kimberly Broome, concentration in management/human resources; Terrell D. Burgess, concentration in management/human resources; Devin L. Marshall, concentration in management/human resources, magna cum laude; and Denise D. Sledge, concentration in criminal justice administration/corrections.
- Students from Cordova who earned an associate of science degree included Juan P. Cardona, Allen L. Chalmers and Sylvester Williams, all with a concentration in management; and Johnetta L. Heckard, concentration in criminal justice administration.
- Students from Lakeland who earned bachelor of science degrees included Jaycee K. Killian, concentration in management; and Natalia S. Siebert, concentration in management/human resources.
- Diane L. Brewer of Lakeland graduated from Park University in Parkville, Mo., on May 7 with a master’s degree in business administration. The commencement ceremony was held at the Community of Christ Auditorium in Independence, Mo.
- Hannah Walker, a 2016 graduate of Arlington High School, signed on May 3 to join the cheer squad at Arkansas State University.