Collegiate Corner for July 28, 2016

Universities have released the following information about MidSouth students.


  • graduate - happyJobelle Gulian of Bartlett has been named to the spring 2016 dean’s list at Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Metropolitan Campus in Teaneck, N.J. To qualify, a student must carry a 3.2 or better grade point average out of a possible 4.0 and be enrolled in a minimum of 12 letter-graded hours (four courses).
  • Bailey Clover James, a college senior from Bartlett, has been named to the spring 2016 dean’s list for Campbellsville University in Campbellsville, Ky. The academic honors’ list recognizes students who achieve a grade point average of 3.50 or above for the semester with a course load of at least 12 hours.
  • Interior design majors at Mississippi State University in Starkville, Miss., now own more than half the possible competition awards of the 2016 American Society of Interior Designers’ South Central Career Day. Among the winners were senior Caitlyn R. Fleming of Bartlett, second place in retail and third in product design; junior Sarah A. Galbreath of Cordova, third in product design and retail; and senior Regan Sanders of Cordova, second in both small-scale commercial and new student spotlight-residential.
  • Zach Beasley of Arlington is a member of the Harding University baseball team and recently received Academic All-Great American Conference honors. Beasley, a graduate of Harding Academy, is a senior kinesiology major from Arlington with a 3.66 GPA. For student-athletes to be recognized on the Academic All-Conference team, they must have reached sophomore athletic and academic standing (true freshmen and redshirt freshmen are not eligible) and must have completed at least one full academic year at the nominating institution. In addition, their grade-point average must be a minimum of 3.30 based on the 4.0 system. The GPA is cumulative for the athlete’s entire collegiate career.
  • The University of Tennessee at Martin has named the following students to the spring Chancellor’s Honor Rolls for the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences, College of Business and Global Affairs, College of Education, Health, and Behavioral Sciences, College of Engineering and Natural Sciences and the College of Humanities and Fine Arts. To be eligible for Chancellor’s Honor Roll recognition at UT Martin, a student must take at least 12 hours of credit (pass-fail courses are not included) and achieve a 3.2 (B) grade point average based on a 4.0 scale. Students can make the Chancellor’s Honor Roll with honors (3.2 through 3.49), high honors (3.5 through 3.79) or highest honors (3.8 through 4.0). ARLINGTON honorees include Allison L. Craft (high honors), Jacquelyn D. Hader (honors), Kimberly N. Huggins (high honors) and Danielle B. Mansfield (highest honors). BARTLETT honorees include Caleb H. Bell (honors), Melody K. Black (highest honors), Julian A. Echols (highest honors), Justin Evans (honors), Jacob T. Hargrove (honors), Rachel A. Johnson (highest honors), Abigayle R. Lovell (highest honors), Samantha M. Porter (highest honors), Sarah A. Rohde (honors), John M. Taylor (high honors), Christopher R. Warrick (high honors) and Rachael A. Williams (high honors). CORDOVA honorees include Jacqueline A. Glover (honors), Sadler A. Goodwin (honors), Jenson A. Greenburg (high honors), Jeremy R. Greenburg (highest honors), Larry J. Johnson (honors), Amber N. Krull (highest honors), Zach M. Morphis (high honors), Holly E. Payne (high honors), Shae C. Tyler (highest honors) and Ashlee J. Williams (high honors). LAKELAND honorees include Grant H. Cacy (honors), Elizabeth A. Packard (highest honors), Christian J. Smith (honors), Drew B. Thomas (honors), Chelsea A. Thomson (highest honors) and Mckell E. Wilbanks (high honors), all of Lakeland.


  • Jane Kathryn Eggenberger of Lakeland has graduated from Samford University in Birmingham, Ala. She earned a master of science in nursing degree from the Ida V. Moffett School of Nursing.