Colleges and universities have released the following information about Mid-South students’ academic honors, college acceptances, activities and graduations.
Mikayla Jones of Arlington has been named to the fall 2018 president’s list for Sherman College of Chiropractic in Spartanburg, S.C. Candidacy for the honor requires achieving a grade point average of 4.0 for the quarter.
John Shamblin of Lakeland and Madison Pillow of Bartlett have named to Who’s Who at Mississippi College’s Clinton campus.
Mississippi College in Clinton, Miss., has named the following local students to the fall 2018 president’s list: Emily Berry and Madison Pillow, both of Bartlett; Mary Coleman and John Shamblin, both of Lakeland; and Emma McMahon of Arlington. To be eligible for the president’s list, a student must maintain a 4.0 grade point average, based on a 4.0 system. The student must take a full course load of at least 12 semester hours of undergraduate credit with all academic courses impacting their grade point average.
Area students have also been named to the fall 2018 dean’s list at Mississippi College. They include Zachary Davidson, Christian Thomas and Ellen Weaver, all of Bartlett; Lyndsey Huber of Lakeland; and Grace Jennings and Ainsley Thomas, both of Arlington. To be eligible for the dean’s list, a student must maintain a 3.5 grade point average, based on a 4.0 system. The student must take a full course load of at least 12 semester hours of undergraduate credit with all academic courses impacting their grade point average.
Spencer Nelson of Lakeland has been named to the fall 201 dean’s list at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Ga. This designation is awarded to undergraduate students who have a 3.0 or higher academic average for the semester.
Carys Pittman of Bartlett has been named to the fall 2018 dean’s list at York College in York, Neb. To be named to the dean’s list, students must carry 12 or more graded hours and achieve a semester grade point average of at least 3.75 with no incomplete grades and no grade below “C” for the semester. She is the daughter of John and Stacey Pittman of Bartlett and is a 2018 homeschool graduate. At college, she is on the competitive cheer and dance team.
Sarah Keys of Memphis has been named to the fall 2018 dean’s list at Berry College in Rome, Ga. The dean’s list honors students who posted an academic average of 3.5 or better on a 4.0 scale while carrying a class load of at least 12 hours during the semester.
Two Arlington High School graduates have been named to the fall 2019 dean’s list at Trevecca Nazarene University in Nashville. They are Gregory Fritjofson of Lakeland and William Huckaby of Arlington. To be named to the dean’s list, undergraduates must attain a semester grade point average of 3.50 or higher on a 4.00 grading scale. Traditional undergraduates must be enrolled full-time, while non-traditional undergraduates must have completed 12 or more hours between July 1 and Dec. 31, 2018.
Area students have been named to the fall 2018 chancellor’s honor roll at the University of Tennessee at Martin. To be eligible, a student must take at least 12 hours of credit (pass-fail courses are not included) and achieve a 3.2 (B) grade point average based on a 4.0 scale. Students can make the chancellor’s honor roll with honors (3.2 through 3.49), high honors (3.5 through 3.79) or highest honors (3.8 through 4.0). Local honorees from Arlington include Braedan T. Badgley, Honors; Julia C. Borrego, Highest Honors; Katelyn R. Elmore, High Honors; Emma K. Fox, Honors; Caitlyn F. McElveen, High Honors; William C. Rone, Honors; Daniel M. Saunders, High Honors; and Dawson Worl, Highest Honors. Local honorees from Bartlett include Caleb H. Bell, Highest Honors; Melody K. Black, Highest Honors; Maya Brown, Honors; Morgan N. Burnett, High Honors; Aleah R. Caldwell, Highest Honors; Alexandra D. Chapman, High Honors; Catherine E. Chapman, Highest Honors; Violet A. Durden, Highest Honors; Hailee M. Dushlek, Honors; John M. Gibbons, Honors; Katherine M. Grantham, Honors; Alex J. Hess, Highest Honors; Maci L. Holder, Highest Honors; Danielle M. Kerr, Highest Honors; Lena F. Lacey, High Honors; Brookelyn E. Massey, Honors; Sarah A. Morgan, Honors; Conner R. Murley, Honors; Morgan T. Schoep, Highest Honors; John M. Taylor, High Honors; Nicholas Thomas, Honors; Christine E. Van de Vuurst, Honors; Zane L. Ward, Honors; Ragan A. Weeks, High Honors; and Rachael A. Williams, High Honors. Local honorees from Lakeland include Katelyn R. Colvin, High Honors; William R. Edwards, Highest Honors; Griffin B. Gallimore, High Honors; Shelby J. Halliday, High Honors; and Gracyn C. Sparkman, Honors.
Caleb M. Cranford of Bartlett, enrolled in the School of Music at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, has been named to the fall 2018 dean’s academic honor roll. Eligible students are Baylor undergraduates with a minimum grade-point average of 3.7, while enrolled in a minimum of 12 semester hours.
The University of Kentucky in Lexington, Ky., has named the following local students to the fall 2018 dean’s list: Russell James Davis, a pre-finance major, and Julia M. Estes, a political science major, both of Lakeland. To be named to the list, a student must earn a grade point average of 3.6 or higher and must have earned 12 credits or more in that semester, excluding credits earned in pass-fail classes. Some UK colleges require a 3.5 GPA to make the dean’s list.
Taegan Allen of Lakeland, an exercise science major, has been named to the fall 2018 dean’s list at Lincoln Memorial University in Harrogate, Tenn. To be placed on the dean’s list, a student must be a full-time undergraduate and have a 3.5 grade point average for the semester.
Margaret Scott of Lakeland has been named to the fall 2018 provost’s list at Troy University in Troy, Ala. The provost’s list honors full-time undergraduate students who are registered for at least 12 semester hours and who have a grade point average of at least 3.65.
Chainna Scott of Bartlett has been named to the fall 2018 dean’s list for Carson-Newman University in Jefferson City, Tenn. The University awards dean’s list honors to students earning a grade point average of 3.5 or higher while taking 12 or more credit hours.
Melanie Sevilla, a senior English major from Lakeland, was named to the president’s list at Bob Jones University in Greenville, S.C. The president’s list recognizes students who earn a 3.75 or higher grade point average for the semester.
Harding University in Searcy, Ark., has named the following local students to the fall 2018 dean’s list:
Arlington students: Tamera Parson, a junior English major; and Morgan Taylor, a sophomore nursing major
Bartlett students: Rebecca Rowsey, a sophomore elementary education major; Meagan Hoard, a senior marketing major; Casey Montgomery, a senior elementary education major; Emilee Pittman, a sophomore advertising major; Kendall Force, a freshman undeclared major; Cassie Ahlrichs, a sophomore finance major; and Lauren Ahlrichs, a junior nursing major
Lakeland students: Ellie Arnett, a senior kinesiology and health major; and Joseph Luther, a freshman biochemistry major
Memphis students: Hayley Ford, a senior cognitive neuroscience major; Madison Ramsey, a senior elementary education major; Taylor Montgomery, a freshman middle-level social science and math education major; and Caroline Birdwell, a freshman public relations major
Students eligible for Harding University’s dean’s list must be carrying 12 or more hours with a 3.65 or higher grade-point average and no incompletes.
Michaela Brown of Memphis and Venesha Jett of Bartlett have been accepted to the University of Evansville in Evansville, Ind., for the fall 2019 semester.
Sarah Taylor of Arlington is participating in the Cooperative Education Program at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Ala., for spring 2019. She is working at WestRock-Demopolis. In this program, students alternate periods of full-time study with periods of full-time employment. This program offers work related to the academic major or career interests of each student.
Christopher Skretkowicz of Lakeland has earned a bachelor of science degree in civil engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. He graduated during the Dec. 14-15, 2018, commencement exercises at the McCamish Pavilion.
The following Bartlett students received degrees from Bethel University in McKenzie, Tenn., on Dec. 8, 2018, in the school’s Rosemary and Harry Crisp II arena. They include Rebeka Ann Anderson, bachelor of science degree in criminal justice, with honors; Kelsey Jihai Burnette, bachelor of science degree in music education; Johnny Dewayne Kumpe, bachelor of science degree in criminal justice, with honors; and Lee Andrew Thomas, master of business administration degree in business administration (healthcare administration).
Three Mid-South students received diplomas during commencement exercises on Dec. 15, 2018, at Harding University in Searcy, Ark. They are Tyler White of Memphis, who received a master of science degree and educational cpecialist’s degree in clinical mental health counseling; David Shelby of Memphis, who received a bachelor of business administration degree in accounting and finance; and Meagan Hoard of Bartlett, who received a bachelor of business administration degree in marketing.