Universities and colleges have announced the achievements of the following Mid-South students.
Park University in Parkville, Mo., has announced that two Mid-South students were among its spring graduates on May 12: Marcus Deane Johnson of Bartlett, who earned a bachelor of science degree in management/human resources (attended Hunters Lane High School in Nashville), and LaShema K. Lewis of Bartlett, who earned a bachelor of science degree in management/human resources (attended Whitehaven High School in Memphis).
Arkansas State University in Jonesboro, Ark., has announced that three Mid-South students were awarded diplomas during the 2018 spring commencement ceremony May 12 in the First National Bank Arena on campus. They include Ashley Melton of Arlington, Amy Michelle Pembleton of Bartlett, and Kimberly Park Shaeffer of Bartlett, all earning a master of science in education degree in educational leadership.
The University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Ala., has announced that the following area students were among its spring 2018 graduates on May 4-6:
- Arlington student: Ransom Futrell, bachelor of arts degree
- Bartlett students: Dalton Dowdy, bachelor of science degree in commerce business administration; Karson Holmes, bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering; James Loft, bachelor of science degree in commerce business administration; Madeline Mahon, bachelor of science degree; and Stephen Tsiu, bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering
- Lakeland students: Gabriella Bufalino, bachelor of science degree; and Cameron Courtney, bachelor of arts degree
- Memphis student: Whitney Snodgrass, master’s degree in library information studies
Bartlett resident Lorenzo Saavedra Dancel graduated from East Tennessee State University in Johnson City on May 5 with a bachelor of science degree in dental hygiene.
Arlington resident Michelle Jarrett recently earned her master of business administration degree in healthcare management from WGU Tennessee, and she traveled to Las Vegas, Nev., to receive her diploma at the university’s spring commencement. WGU Tennessee is an online nonprofit university formed through a partnership between the state of Tennessee and nationally recognized Western Governors University. Graduates are welcome to attend any of the WGU commencements held around the country.
Aydrian Deyja Shores of Arlington has been named to the dean’s list at the University of the South in Sewanee for the Easter 2018 term. Eligible students must earn a minimum grade point average of 3.625 on a 4.0 scale. Shores is the daughter of Stephanie R. Bonds of Arlington.
Mississippi College in Clinton, Miss., has named the following students to its dean’s list for the spring semester: Emily Berry, Shuntavia Rodgers and Ellen Weaver, all of Bartlett; Katie Little of Arlington; and Grace Hughes and John Shamblin, both of Lakeland. Eligible students must maintain a 3.5 grade point average, based on a 4.0 system, and take a full course load of at least 12 semester hours of undergraduate credit with all academic courses impacting their grade point average.
Mississippi College has also named the following students to its president’s list for the spring semester: Madison Pillow and Christian Thomas, both of Bartlett; and Andrew Croegaert of Lakeland. Eligible students must maintain a 4.0 grade point average, based on a 4.0 system, and must take a full course load of at least 12 semester hours of undergraduate credit with all academic courses impacting their grade point average.
East Tennessee State University in Johnson City has named the following students to the spring 2018 dean’s list for the spring: Kaylee R. Buscher, Maren J. Guzzo, Joshua T. Hayslett and Tyler M. Hicks, all of Bartlett; and Rachel S. Harbin of Arlington. Eligible students must successfully complete a minimum of 12 hours of undergraduate coursework with no grade below “B-” in any course taken and a grade point average of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale.
Caleb M. Cranford of Bartlett has been named to the spring 2018 dean’s list at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. Eligible undergraduates must have a minimum grade-point average of 3.7 while enrolled in a minimum of 12 semester hours. Cranford is studying in the School of Music.
Rachel Russom of Lakeland has been named to the spring 2018 president’s list at Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia, Ark. To receive this honor, a student must compile a 4.0 grade point average and be classified as a full-time student with a minimum of 12 academic hours.
Jaret Webb of Arlington and Britney Bost of Bartlett have been named to the spring 2018 dean’s list at Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia, Ark. To receive this honor, a student must compile at least a 3.5 grade point average and be classified as a full-time student with a minimum of 12 academic hours.
Hoang-Viet D. Tran of Lakeland and Ciara S. Johnson of Arlington were named to the Rhodes College spring 2018 dean’s list. To qualify, a student must be enrolled in at least 16 credit hours of academic work and must achieve a semester grade point average of 3.70 or better.
Zachary W. Riedel of Bartlett and Megan L. Wander of Lakeland have been named to the spring 2018 president’s list at Clemson University in Clemson, S.C. Riedel is majoring in environmental engineering, and Wander is majoring in environmental engineering. To be named to the president’s list, a student must achieve a 4.0 grade-point average (all As).
Bartlett resident Kaylee Buscher has received a $2,500 Coca-Cola scholarship to East Tennessee State University in Johnson City for the 2018-19 academic year. She is an ETSU sophomore majoring in international affairs and is active in the Christian Student Fellowship, also known as “Campus House.” She also works at the Community Living Center at the James H. Quillen Veterans Affairs Medical Center at Mountain Home near the ETSU campus and hosts poker and bingo games for the veterans. She is the daughter of Neil and Emiko Buscher of Bartlett.
Bartlett resident Alexis Hivner is among the students in the Yonder Contemporary Dance Company, a collective in The University of Alabama’s department of theatre and dance. She and her company will present a 50-minute concert titled “IRL” during the 2018 Edinburgh Festival Fringe in Scotland. The performances will run Aug. 4-10.
Yonder’s “IRL” involves 15 dance majors, who will perform at the Greenside @ Nicolson Square venue in Edinburgh.
“‘IRL’ focuses on the pervasive nature of technology and illuminates the jarring battle between everyone and everything that competes for our attention,” said Sarah Barry, artistic director of the company.
While in Edinburgh, the students will be staying at Salsbury Court Flats near Holyrood Park. For more information, visit Yonder’s Facebook page and follow @yonderdanceco on social media. Interested parties also may contact Sarah Barry at smbarry@ua.edu.