Collegiate Corner for Dec. 4, 2014

grad-on-bookstackThe following area students have recently received college degrees, honors, and/or scholarships.


  • Southeast Missouri State University: Shannon Walton of Arlington is among the 2014 graduates of Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau, Mo. Walton graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts with a major in acting and directing.


  • Vanderbilt University: Ryan McKenney, a Bartlett resident and a 2011 graduate of Christian Brothers High School, was named the Outstanding Senior for the 2014-15 class of Vanderbilt University in Nashville. Ryan, the son of Barbara and Ed McKenney of Bartlett, plans to attend law school upon graduation in May 2015.
  • Bob Jones University: Mary Hale of Bartlett recently earned membership in the symphony orchestra of Bob Jones University in Greenville, S.C. A resident of Bartlett, Hale is a sophomore music education major at BJU.


Local residents named as semifinalists in the 2015 National Achievement Scholarship Program included:

  • Daniel N. Orleans-Lindsay, an Arlington High School graduate
  • Nikkia R. Dugas, a Bartlett High School graduate