Collegiate Corner

Universities and colleges have announced news about students from Bartlett, Arlington and Lakeland.

Universities announce dean’s and president’s lists

college_studentMelanie Sevilla, a junior English major from Lakeland, was among approximately 890 Bob Jones University students named to the fall 2017 dean’s list. The dean’s list recognizes students who earn a 3.00-3.74 grade point average during the semester. Bob Jones University is in Greenville, S.C.

Lacy Corbitt of Arlington and Paige Medline of Bartlett have been named to the fall 2017 dean’s list at Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau, Mo. Students named to the list earned at least a 3.75 grade point average on a 4.0 scale, completed at least 12 hours of standard graded credit, achieved no grade below a B and received no failing grades in enrolled courses, including credit/no credit or pass/fail courses.

Ashley Duboise, Samantha Jones, Hannah Smith and Anna Venckus, all of Bartlett, were among the 330 students named to the fall 2017 president’s list at Union University in Jackson, Tenn. This list includes full-time students who achieve a 4.0 grade point average on a four-point scale.

Emily Boyer, Brooklyn Croom, Kristin McKendry and Anna Tansey, all of Bartlett, were among the 364 students named to the fall 2017 dean’s list at Union University. This list includes full-time students who achieve a 3.5 grade point average on a four-point scale.

Trameciea White of Lakeland has been named to the fall 2017 president’s list at Mississippi University for Women in Columbus, Miss. This list honors undergraduate students achieving a quality point average of 4.0 on a 4.0 scale for the semester.

Sarah Carmack of Lakeland has been named to the fall 2017 dean’s list at Mississippi University for Women. Those on the dean’s list have earned a quality point average of 3.5 to 3.99 on a 4.0 scale.

Claire Ward of Bartlett has been named to the fall 2017 dean’s list at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn. Eligibility is based on a minimum course load of 12 hours and a quality grade point average of 3.5 with no grade below a C.

Mikayla Jones of Arlington was named to the summer 2017 dean’s list at Sherman College of Chiropractic in Spartanburg, S.C. Dean’s list students have achieved a grade point average of at least 3.5 for the quarter.

Local residents receive degrees from UT Martin

MARTIN, Tenn. — Several Shelby County residents were among students who received degrees from the University of Tennessee at Martin during fall commencement on Dec. 16, 2017, in the Kathleen and Tom Elam Center on the UT Martin campus.

The students receiving undergraduate degrees included Brielle Marie Goode, Connor Reno Henson and Kayla Elizabeth Trice, all of Arlington; Dillon C. Belew and Samantha Brooke Gehring, both of Bartlett; and Grant Harrison Cacy, John Nicholas Sciara and Drake L. Watson, all of Lakeland.

Arlington student receives award and scholarship

CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. — Ashtyn Miller of Arlington has received the Midwest Achievement Award and the University Scholarship to attend Southeast Missouri State University for the 2018-2019 academic year. She is the daughter of Kristopher Miller and will be a 2018 graduate of Arlington High School.