Universities and colleges have released the following information about Mid-South students.
The Educational & Memorial Foundation of the Tennessee Society of Certified Public Accountants (TSCPA) in Brentwood, Tenn., recently awarded scholarships to 18 Memphis-area residents for the 2017-18 academic year.
The recipients include Michelle Swain of Lakeland and Baylor White of Cordova, both of whom are attending the University of Memphis; and Ronald Douglas of Cordova, who is attending Rhodes College
Baylor White was one of the three students who received special acknowledgement. White received the Robert W. Knapp Scholarship Award, which recognizes the top accounting student in Shelby County.
TSCPA awarded a total of $250,000 in scholarships to over 100 students attending 17 colleges and universities throughout Tennessee this year.
In order to qualify for a TSCPA scholarship, candidates must complete introductory courses in accounting and/or be students majoring in accounting. Scholarship recipients were selected on the basis of academic achievement, professor recommendation, leadership skills and financial need. For more information about TSCPA’s annual scholarship program, visit tscpa.com.
This summer, Belmont University in Nashville sent its largest group of students across the world for study abroad experiences. With more than 650 students participating in 34 programs, including Maymester trips, students have spent time in Greece, Brazil, England, France, Switzerland and Haiti, among many other locations. Local students who participated include Claire Ward of Bartlett, who traveled to Central Europe, and Maggie Jackson of Lakeland, who traveled to Morocco.
Freed Hardeman University in Henderson, Tenn., has released the names of students who made the president’s list and the dean’s list for spring 2017. Twenty Shelby County students were recognized. To be on the president’s list, a student must be full-time and have a 4.0 grade point average. Among the students on this list were Dalton Caviness, a senior biochemistry major from Bartlett, and Emma Ward, a freshman elementary education major from Lakeland.
Recognition on the dean’s list requires full-time status and a minimum GPA of 3.40 for the semester. Among the students on this list were Beau Caviness, senior exercise science major from Bartlett; Juliana Crossett, a junior exercise science major from Bartlett; Caroline Dodson, a sophomore psychology major from Lakeland; Cody Duncan, a junior finance major from Arlington; Joseph Leatherwood, a junior law and politics major from Bartlett; Shelby Matthews, a junior theatre performance major from Bartlett; Morgan Pledge, a senior nursing major from Lakeland; and Tenia Strobridge, a junior child and family studies major from Bartlett.
Belmont University in Nashville has named the following students to the summer 2017 dean’s list: Margaret Jackson of Lakeland and Claire Ward of Bartlett. Eligibility for the summer session is based on a minimum nine-hour load over 10 weeks and a quality grade point average of 3.5 with no grade below a C.
The University of Tennessee at Martin has named Brielle M. Goode of Bartlett to the summer 2017 chancellor’s honor roll with high honors. To be eligible for Chancellor’s Honor Roll recognition at UT Martin, a student must take at least 12 hours of credit (pass-fail courses are not included) and achieve a 3.2 (B) grade point average based on a 4.0 scale. Students can make the Chancellor’s Honor Roll with honors (3.2 through 3.49), high honors (3.5 through 3.79) or highest honors (3.8 through 4.0).
Hailey Ann Guzzo of Bartlett graduated magna cum laude in the spring 2017 commencement ceremony for South Dakota State University in Brookings, S.D. She earned a bachelor of science degree from the College of Education and Human Sciences.