Collegiate Corner

College graduateColleges and universities have released the following news about area students.


Sarah Gehring of Bartlett recently received scholarship awards from Missouri State University in Springfield, Mo., for the 2017-18 academic year. She received the Provost Scholarship and an out-of-state fee waiver. She was selected from those who applied based on their ACT (American College Test) scores, grade-point average (GPA), standing in their graduating class and their leadership shown in community and school activities.

Academic honors

The University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Ala., has named the following area students to its spring 2017 dean’s list and president’s list. The president’s list honorees include Jamie M. Moon and Daniel J. Moore, both of Arlington; Alexis Catherine Hivner, Karson Walker Holmes and James Matthew Loft, all of Bartlett; and Ryan Alexander Brightwell, Cameron Alexander Courtney and Anna P. Horner, all of Lakeland. The dean’s list honorees include Brittany A. Gentry and Molly L. Shearer, both of Arlington; Wesley H. Lim, Madeline Rose Mahon, Glen A. Stawick and Stephen William Tsiu, all of Bartlett; and Aubrey F. Barnes and Sripraharsha S. Jampana Raju, both of Lakeland. Students named to the dean’s list must have an academic record of 3.5 or above, and those named to the president’s list must have an academic record of 4.0 (all As). They also must be full-time undergraduate students.

Spencer Nelson of Lakeland has been named to the spring 2017 dean’s list at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Ga. This designation is awarded to undergraduate students who have a 3.0 or higher academic average for the semester.

Rachel Harbin of Arlington and Logan Eavenson of Bartlett have been named to the spring 2017 dean’s list at East Tennessee State University in Johnson City, Tenn. To receive this honor, students must successfully complete a minimum of 12 hours of undergraduate coursework with no grade below “B-” in any course taken, and a grade point average of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale.

Patrick Murphy, a business and management systems major and senior from Bartlett, has been named to the spring 2017 honor list for Missouri University of Science and Technology in Rolla, Mo. To be included on the honor list, students must have carried a minimum of 12 hours and had grade point averages of 3.2 or above out of a possible 4.0.