City of Bartlett: Notice of Public Hearing

Pursuant to the requirements of the State of Tennessee and Ordinances of the City of Bartlett, Tennessee, the following information is published and made known to all interested persons: The Bartlett Board of Mayor and Aldermen will meet on Tuesday, May 28, 2013 at 7 p.m. in the Bartlett City Hall Assembly Chamber to consider the following Ordinance:

Ordinance 13-04, an ordinance amending Title 8, Chapter 3, Sections 8-309, 8-310, 8-311, 8-313, 8-314 and 8-315 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Bartlett, Tennessee.

Any citizen who may wish to appear and testify either for or against this Ordinance will be heard. Written comments either for or against this Ordinance will be considered if received by 11 a.m. on Tuesday, May 28, 2013. These comments should be addressed to the attention of Mayor A. Keith McDonald at the Bartlett City Hall, 6400 Stage Road, Bartlett, Tennessee, 38134.

A. Keith McDonald