Citizens who were determined to speak up at the July 5 Bartlett Planning Commission meeting were not deterred by the postponing of some actions.
At the request of developers, the board deferred action until September for the Richland Valley planned development (0 Butterfly View Lane) but still held the public hearing.
Three citizens spoke out against the development because they don’t want the extra traffic, the noise and the anticipated drop in their property values.
Board member Paul Kaiser was the sole vote of no for the deferral.
The board also deferred action until September on a companion case, Bartlett Logistics planned development. The board received a letter and petition opposing the rezoning, but no citizens spoke out against this agenda item at the meeting.
The board also deferred action on rezoning in the Bartlett Station planned development (PRD-1), the northwest corner of Sycamore View and Main Street. It is deferred until August.
The board received two letters opposing that agenda item, and five citizens spoke out against it, including one citizen who was at the point of tears.
Objections included the area’s close proximity to the city’s historic district, skepticism that the market will support the development’s high square-foot price tag, and the anticipated drop in home values.
The deferral vote was a 5-3 split, with Paul Kaiser, Russ Abernathy and the Rev. Walter Peggs Sr. voting no.
In other business, the board:
- Heard a Tennessee Department of Transport-ation (TDOT) presentation on corridor planning and management and voted to recommend the presentation to the city board.
- Approved a site plan for Hwy. 70 Car Care (8152 U.S. 70). The approval is contingent on remedying several zoning non-compliance issues and it is also conditional on approval from the Board of Zoning Appeals.
- Approved a site plan that lets Bartlett Corporate Park East (Lot 13, 380 Stage Post) add 19 parking spaces and additional streetscaping and landscaping. Approval is conditional on following the staff recommendations.