Chalk the Walk invites artists, sponsors for June 8 drawing fun

2013 archive photo; art by Kayla Sobczak

This year’s “Chalk the Walk” art event is scheduled for June 8 at the Bartlett Performing Arts and Conference Center. It will be held in conjunction with BPACC’s free 6 p.m. concert featuring Jeremy & the Pacemakers.

Chalk the Walk currently has four event sponsors: Wiemar’s Jewelry, Higginbotham Family Dentists, Memphis Funeral Home and Dr. Tim Hacker, who will also be one of the artists.

This year’s featured artist is Chantel Barber, a Bartlett resident and portraiture artist with an international reputation.

Bartlett High School has really stepped up to the plate by sending 20 student artists plus their art teacher, Becky Bowers, with the possibility of more to come. Several artists from our Bartlett Art Association will also be participating.

Local civic organizations, individuals and businesses are volunteering to sponsor artists, and lunches are being donated by LaChiq Catering and Baby Jack’s BBQ. The event organizers are still seeking more square sponsors at a cost of $100 and event sponsors for $250. There is no charge for the artists to participate.

Street painting is a unique art form, and this is an opportunity for Bartlett residents to view the artists at work and the finished pictures done in brilliant colors of chalk.

For more information, call Jeanne Tutor at (901) 412-2497 or Sandra Gallagher at (901) 483-0093.