Ninety-four acres of Lakeland real estate are now on the table as the ideal site [...]
Michelle Sluder, who teaches English as a Second Language (ESL) at Arlington Middle School and [...]
MEMPHIS, Tenn. — On Dec. 12, there was an unusual excitement to the University of Tennessee [...]
Arlington and Lakeland ranked in the top 10 on’s list of “Best Cities for [...]
Bond issue supporters want to build Lakeland Prep now. They say: Interest rates are low, [...]
Bond issue opponents want to wait on building and adding to the city’s debt. These [...]
NEXT MEETINGS 6:30 p.m. Jan. 5, Lakeland school board work session, Lakeland City Hall 5:30 [...]
Upon request, the Shelby County Election Commission has provided general information on the petition process [...]
Locals aim to force a vote on Lakeland’s $50M bond. HOW TO GET INVOLVED Concerned [...]
Bon Lin Elementary’s Parent Teacher Association (PTA) honored its top essayists with a Winners’ Dinner [...]
Lakeland’s city board approved issuing up to $50 million in general obligation school bonds to [...]
Three West Tennessee workforce development collaboratives are among 12 recipients statewide that were chosen to [...]