News on benefits, fundraisers, charitable organizations, and various charitable activities
Bartlett Kiwanis Club members joined in the holiday practice of collecting money for the Salvation [...]
A former Bartlett High athlete and well-known Memphis comedian, Ben Fredrick, was shot Dec. 1 [...]
Kaleigh Jordan of Bartlett and the community worked together to make the Christmas season jollier [...]
This Black Friday, H&R Block is asking people to think about those in need in [...]
The Salvation Army of Memphis is now accepting donors to support children, called “angels,” who [...]
[dropcap]About[/dropcap] 100 children live at Youth Villages in Bartlett, and each year the Holiday Heroes [...]
The Samaritan’s Purse project, a charitable program to bring Christmas cheer and much-needed supplies to [...]
The crowds came out Saturday as they always do for the Bartlett Reserve Firefighters’ Pancake [...]
Arlington resident Jeff Evans is among the 27 men who have united to fight breast [...]
The next New Neighbors luncheon will be Oct. 17 at the Bonefish Grill in Collierville. [...]
First Citizens National Bank and the American Red Cross recently kicked-off the annual Holiday Mail [...]