Cathy Bickers of Bartlett and Robert V. Bickers Jr. of Murrysville, Penn., would like to [...]
You are cordially invited to an “Open House 80th Birthday” celebration in honor of Shirley [...]
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin E. Belote of Bartlett, Tenn., are pleased to announce the forthcoming [...]
William A. and Mary Pettigrew Oyler of Memphis will observe their 60th anniversary on Aug. [...]
Former Bartlett resident wins as Miss Rhode Island. Miss Rhode Island Ivy DePew, formerly of [...]
Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie and Sue Roberts of Hickory With wish to announce the wedding [...]
William and Miriam Roberts were married on April 30, 1949, in Fort Gaines, Ga. They [...]
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Black Jr. of Bartlett announce the engagement of their daughter, Brittany [...]
Jerry “Bart” Jackson Jr. and Elizabeth “Liz” Carver announce the marriage of their daughter, Stephanie [...]
Carlos and Betty Ketchum of Bartlett will observe their 60th wedding anniversary on Monday, March [...]
Stephanie Turner, 29, of Bartlett was crowned Mrs. Tennessee International this month and will go [...]