In addition to its new $12 million facility in Bartlett, Olympus is facing a much [...]
Planning a path through college just got easier with the first statewide virtual college fair [...]
The Healthy Tennessee Free Health Fair will be 11 a.m.-2 p.m. March 12 at the [...]
Friends of the Bartlett Library will introduce Memphis author Joshua Hood at the Friends’ next [...]
A 360-foot-long exhibit known as The Vietnam Traveling Tribute, “The Wall,” was a major draw [...]
Bartlett resident Amy Mullen is hoping that family, friends and neighbors can help her with [...]
Business Expo opens doors for March 10 The Expo is ready for visitors! Come to [...]
Editor’s note: Article provided by, via The author is Sabrina Perry. According to [...]
Girl Scout troops will be selling their famous cookies every weekend through March 20, but [...]
March 10 brings Expo to Bartlett Be dazzled by the business might of Bartlett at [...]
Lori Kuhuski of Arlington has been named a 2016 Global Relay For Life Hero of [...]
The New Neighbors organization recently gathered and donated dozens of teddy bears to the [...]