White House correspondent and author William Koenig will be the featured speaker at the inaugural [...]
Animal shelter offers reduced costs April 9 This Saturday is the Bartlett Animal Shelter’s annual [...]
[Editor’s note: Corrected to accurately describe the rifle. It was not an assault rifle.] The [...]
MEMPHIS, Tenn. — The American Cancer Society recently recognized Farm Bureau Insurance of [...]
Pickleball, the fastest growing sport in the country is bursting at the seams right here [...]
On Monday, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released a report showing that [...]
Friends of the Bartlett Library will conduct their annual used book sale April 13-17 at [...]
These upcoming events are right around the corner for the Bartlett area: The Bartlett Community [...]
The Malco Bartlett Cinema is hosting the “Bags For Kids” Youth Villages event to benefit [...]
Good Friday and Easter closures With Good Friday on March 25 and Easter Sunday on March [...]
Bartlett High School Career Madness will be hosted at the school 8 a.m.-2 p.m. March 31. [...]