Students made the most of the 28th Annual St. Benedict at Auburndale High School (SBA) [...]
MEMPHIS — MIFA will commemorate its 49th birthday at a Founders Day celebration May 4. The [...]
A Bunny Hop 5K and Kids Fun Run Egg Hunt will be Saturday, April 15, [...]
Editor’s note: “Living on Purpose” is a Kentucky-based religious column provided free to the Bartlett [...]
An estimated 1,100 guests visited the annual Bartlett Expo on March 23 at the Bartlett [...]
EDITOR’S NOTE: The Bartlett Express welcomes letters to the editor and guest opinion columns; [...]
MEMPHIS, Tenn. — A historical marker commemorating the final flight of Dr. Martin Luther King [...]
The 35th Annual Youth Villages 5K & 10Miler, presented by NIKE and the Memphis Area [...]
Oldies but goodies keep the senior crowd rocking. Guests of the Seniors 55+ Going Green [...]
Transformations Autism Treatment Center in Bartlett is bringing in national experts, vendors and special needs [...]