$3.4M grant to fight prescription drug abuse KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Senate health committee Chairman Lamar [...]
At Purple Night on Sept. 12, learn what the Pancreatic Cancer research team at the [...]
Because of recent patient needs, Lifeblood is in a critical shortage of O-negative and B-negative [...]
Tennessee Attorney General Herbert H. Slatery III, along with the Tennessee Division of Consumer Affairs [...]
To satisfy a Lakeland citizen concerned about unanswered questions in a 2014 mold abatement project, [...]
A citizen who has asked the Lakeland School Board and superintendent repeatedly to answer specific [...]
Lifeblood has several public blood drives pending in the greater Bartlett area. For more information, [...]
NASHVILLE — Following the release of a report ranking Tennessee 36th in overall child well-being [...]
July 17 drive: Giving blood means giving life The Bartlett Area Chamber of Commerce is [...]
A very dear friend of mine is going through a difficult time. Her dear mother [...]
Building a veterans’ home in Arlington will require $11.5 million in local funds over the [...]