Book lovers are preparing to shop big again: The big annual book sale that raises [...]
Bartlett Kiwanis Club’s March 27 speaker was Aaron Keegan of the Salvation Army. Keegan stood [...]
On March 11 and 12, the Mayor’s Youth Leadership Council of Bartlett traveled to Nashville [...]
American Legion Post 249 celebrated the American Legion’s 100th birthday at their recent March meeting. [...]
City of Bartlett Fire Chief Terry Wiggins and Assistant Chief Tommy Gately spoke to Kiwanis [...]
Scout Troop 255 and Webelos Scouts from Pack 255 at Bartlett United Methodist Church helped [...]
[Editor’s note: This story published on Jan. 17, 2019, in our print edition but was [...]
Some Bartlett Elementary students were recently the recipients of a pizza party given by the [...]
Bartlett Kiwanis Club members joined in the holiday practice of collecting money for the Salvation [...]
After a brief hiatus, the Leadership Bartlett Alumni Association is resuming its quarterly meetings with [...]
Panther Pom is currently holding holiday registration. Participants will be coached and choreographed by Linda [...]
Bartlett Kiwanis celebrated its25th anniversary with an evening in the Quail Ridge Golf Course dining [...]