Career news for June 9, 2016

Area citizens have received the following recent professional recognition.

Memphis dietitian is tapped for national office

Dianne Polly
Dianne Polly

Dianne Polly, a registered and licensed dietitian and attorney from Memphis, was recently elected Speaker of the House of Delegates (HOD) for the national Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

In this national role she will lead the profession in deliberating and recommending policy and strategic direction for the practice and will help establish education and research guidelines for nutritionists and dietitians.

The HOD provides direction for quality management in dietetics practice, reviews, debates and approves professional standards and makes recommendations for standards of education and standards of practice.

The goal of the profession is to improve the health and nutrition of all persons.

The position is notable for a Shelby County resident to achieve particularly because the greater-Memphis area and Tennessee in general have such problems with obesity and diabetics.

Polly is currently the executive director of the Shelby County Education Foundation.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is the world’s largest organization of food and nutrition professionals, over 75,000 members. For more information, visit

Area attorney named in top 10 for family law

Nick Rice
Nick Rice

The National Academy of Family Law Attorneys (NAFLA) has recognized the exceptional performance of Nick Rice as a 2016 Top 10 Family Law Attorney.

Rice first started studying the law when he began working for Rice, Amundsen & Caperton PLLC in seventh grade. He graduated from Christian Brothers High School in 1996, where he served four years on Honor Council.

He graduated from The University of Tennessee with a bachelor of science degree in psychology in 2000. He returned to Memphis to attend law school and continued working at the firm.

Rice received his Juris Doctor degree from the University of Memphis Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law in 2003.

He co-wrote The Complete Guide to Divorce Practice along with father Larry Rice and has been named a Rising Star in the legal community by Super Lawyers.

Through a stringent selection process, NAFLA awards the best family law attorneys in each state with the prestigious honor of being named “Top 10.” The few attorneys that make the list have demonstrated an extraordinary amount of knowledge, skill, experience, expertise and success.

The honorees are first nominated by a licensed practicing attorney. Then the NAFLA research staff verifies that they meet the requirements of membership. They then have to be one of 50 attorneys chosen to advance to the final selection stage by the processing committee, and then the Board of Governors selects the Top 10 in each state.