BRC to host annual Aerobathon Jan. 6

bex-2018-01-04-aerobics-wEager to try a new exercise format or just needing a morning of cross training? The Bartlett Recreation Center has the ultimate “try it out” morning arranged for you.

The annual Aerobathon will be 9-11 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 6 at the BRC. It gives guests the opportunity to participate in a variety of group exercise formats such as Spin, Zumba, Pilates, Boy Fit, Total Body Conditioning and Barre. Four classes will be going at once in the BRC’s gym, and each will last 20 minutes.

The event is open to the public and is entirely free. People of all fitness levels are invited to participate.

All participants will be entered to win one of many door prizes, and a Grand Prize will be awarded to the BRC Member who brings the most guests.

The BRC is at 7700 Flaherty Place, Bartlett. For more information, call the center at (901) 385-6470.