BPACC kicks off holidays with family-friendly Christmas musical

“Sanders Family Christmas,” this weekend’s family-friendly musical in Bartlett, is the holiday sequel to last year’s popular bluegrass gospel musical, “Smoke on the Mountain” by Connie Ray and Alan Bailey.

It’s set in December 1941, and America is going to war. So is Dennis Sanders of the Sanders Family Singers. Join Pastor Mervin Oglethorpe and the rest of the Sanders family as they send Dennis off with hilarious and touching stories and 25 Southern Gospel Christmas favorites.

This production of “Sanders Family Christmas” is locally cast with a variety of Ostrander winners and nominees like John Hemphill, Annie Freres and Emily Chateau as well as other talented and experienced performers, including Cecil Yancy, Doug Smith, Cameron Crawford, Adam Christopher, John Albertson, Carlos Gonzalez and Debbie Vaughn. “Sanders Family Christmas” is directed by BPACC Director Michael Bollinger. The musical director is Debbie Vaughn.

Tickets are $25 and are available 10 a.m.-2 p.m. weekdays at the box office, (901) 385-5588. They are also available at the door and in advance at bpacc.org. Orders of 15 tickets or more get a 25 percent discount on their entire purchase.

“Sanders Family Christmas” is a delightful show,” Bollinger said. “It makes audiences laugh and will tug on heart strings. The music is simply wonderful. Audiences will leave BPACC in a great mood, ready to kick-off the holidays!”

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